
shāo jī
  • Shau Kei;bamboo basket for rice-washing
筲箕 [shāo jī]
  • [bamboo basket rice-washing] 淘米或盛米、盛饭用的竹器

  1. 筲箕湾官立工业中学1968年度毕业生奖学金

    " Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary Technical School 1968 Graduates Scholarship , The "

  2. 他洗了一把青菜,然后将它们放在筲箕里控水。

    He washed some vegetables , and put them in a bamboo basket to dry .

  3. 筲箕湾(石庙)机动小钓艇渔民信用无限责任合作社

    " Shau Kei Wan ( Shek Miu ) Mechanized Small Long Liner Fishermen 's Credit Co-operative Society , Unlimited "

  4. 外缘处有加强筋能使筲箕装重物料时,强度更好,更耐用。

    The reinforcing ribs arranged at the edge can lead the strainer to have better intensity and be more durable when being loaded with heavy materials .

  5. 年内,土木工程署完成了西贡区内的三个公众码头、沙螺湾灯塔及筲箕湾系泊柱墩的建筑工程。

    In 1998 , it completed three public piers in the Sai Kung area , one light beacon at Sha Lo Wan and two dolphins at Shau Kei Wan .

  6. 本实用新型的金属筲箕不耗费自然资源,能大批量生产,使用时清洗方便,使用寿命长,不易损坏。

    The metal strainer does not waste natural resources , can be produced in large batch , is convenient to be cleaned when in use , has long service life and is not easy to be damaged .
