
tǒng qún
  • straight skirt;pailform skirt;tight skirt;ghagra
筒裙 [tǒng qún]
  • [pailform skirt] 指呈筒状的裙子;上下部差不多一样大,无褶

筒裙[tǒng qún]
  1. 搭配打褶蕾丝上衣与直筒裙,打造热辣的形象。

    Combine a ruffle top with a pencil skirt for a hot seasonal look .

  2. 这是我今天刚买的筒裙,就被你弄脏了。

    I bought this pailform skirt just today , but it has been dirtied by you .

  3. 女人们穿超短的筒裙,戴很别致的耳环,形状像钥匙。

    The women with the much-abbreviated skirts wore peculiar earrings , in the shape of keys .

  4. 高层建筑筒体结构在扭转作用下框筒裙梁高度的优化分析

    Optimal analysis on the altitude of the spandrel beam in the framed tube core structure under torsioned loading

  5. 例如裙子可以设计成各种款式,如A字裙、筒裙、紧身连衫裙、喇叭裙、褶裙等等。

    For example , skirts are designed in many styles , such as A - line , tubular , dirndl , flared and pleated .

  6. 男人衣着极为原始,女人穿筒裙和上衣,与番仑村里的那些粗人打扮一样。

    The men were in fiercely savage costume , and the women in skirts and jackets like the ruder portion of the people in Fan-lun .

  7. 妇女们喜欢穿窄袖短上衣和长到脚面的筒裙,一般都把长发盘在头顶,再插上一把漂亮的月牙梳。

    Women like to wear a short jacket with tight sleeves and straight skirt covering the instep ; they usually coil their hair on top of the head with a beautiful crescent comb .

  8. 当然,应该用夹克配上你自己的黑裤子,或是常规的直筒裙之类。要知道,时尚界里有句套话:把它变成你自己的东西!

    The point , of course , is to take the jacket and use it atop your own black trousers / staple pencil skirt etc. You know that fashion clich é: make it your own !

  9. 就是这样一个国家,在这儿,大多数老挝妇女仍然穿着传统的筒裙和整洁而剪裁讲究的短上衣,同时,大多数老挝家庭仍住在传统的木头高脚屋里,在稻田里劳作。

    This is the kind of country where most Lao women still wear the traditional tube skirt , together with a neatly tailored jacket , just as most Lao families still live in traditional wooden houses on stilts and work in the rice paddies .