
fá zi
  • raft
筏子 [fá zǐ]
  • [raft] 水上交通工具。用竹或木编排而成,或用牛羊皮等制囊而成

筏子[fá zi]
  1. 我没有想到他会把筏子弄翻。

    I didn 't count on his capsizing the raft .

  2. 他们做了一个筏子,使它漂浮在水上。

    He clung tightly to the raft to keep himself afloat .

  3. 筏子被洋流飘送到一座小岛上。

    The raft was-ried by ocean currents to a small island .

  4. 我们把所有可以飘浮的东西捆扎成一个筏子。

    We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft .

  5. 你烧了我的筏子?你为什么要烧了我的筏子?

    You burned my raft ? Why 'd you burn my raft ?

  6. 他到的时候你的筏子已经着火了。

    Your raft was already on fire when he arrived .

  7. 没带上筏子的东西放在哪了?

    They didn 't take with them on the raft ?

  8. 你不在这儿等筏子出航吗?

    You won 't be here for the raft launching .

  9. 我造让大家逃生的筏子烦到你了吗?

    Is my building a raft to get us rescued bothering you ?

  10. 愿意帮我们建筏子的人,上帝保佑你。

    Anybody that wants to help us build , God bless you .

  11. 那并不就意味着他会纵火烧筏子。

    That doesn 't mean that he torched the raft .

  12. 玉米杆儿被编成了一只筏子。

    The corn stalks are woven into a raft .

  13. 我在密西西比河上划着筏子。

    I was running a raft on the mississippi .

  14. 我们在这个破筏子上做什么?

    What can I do on this stupid raft ?

  15. 我的小筏子如不被驾驶,即会漂走。

    My raft drifts if it is not steered .

  16. 筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。

    The raft was floating gently down the river .

  17. 小筏子沉了,我就用四只爪子游到东边去。

    When she sinks , I shall swim East with my four paws .

  18. 我们在一个木筏子上找到了失事船只的船员。

    We found the shipwrecked sailors on a raft .

  19. 急流正以同样的速度将小筏子和西斯潘尼奥拉号一起冲向南方。

    The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate .

  20. 他们把圆木捆扎在一起造十个筏子。

    They lashed logs together to make a raft .

  21. 他们帮它把小筏子放下水。

    They helped him to lower his little coracle .

  22. 索德博格老头那时候也在筏子上。

    Old man Soderberg was one of those people who was on that raft .

  23. 但那是第一个筏子,烧掉的那个。

    Onto the first raft , which burned .

  24. 筏子只充了一部分气。

    The raft was only partially inflated .

  25. 他没有烧你的筏子。

    He didn 't burn your raft .

  26. 你是筏子上唯一知道怎么用这家伙的。

    You 're the only one on the raft who knows how to use one .

  27. 他们在飓风附近风帆冲浪,去用筏子运送通过急流的白色水,并且从塔橡皮筋跳跃。

    They wind-surf near hurricanes , go white-water rafting through rapids , and bungee-jump from towers .

  28. 潮水使我们漂流向前。筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。

    The current was drifting us along . The raft was floating gently down the river .

  29. 一起带上筏子的那个。

    The one from the raft .

  30. 我们夺了他们的筏子。

    We 're seizing their raft .