
  • 网络Echinochloa;Echinochloa Beauv
  1. 雀稗属(Paspalum)为禾本科黍亚科多年生或一年生植物,是黍亚科内最有经济价值的类群之一。

    Genus Paspalum , a perennial or annual grass of Gramineae , is one of the with great economic value groups .

  2. 雀稗属无融合生殖研究进展

    Advances in Apomixis of Genus Paspalum

  3. 雀稗属花粉形态及其多萌发孔现象

    Pollen morphology and poly-aperture in paspalum

  4. 两耳草一种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)虎尾草属的任何一种草;出现在矮草原尤其在荒原或土壤贫瘠地区。

    A low-growing , weedy grass ( Paspalum distichum ) with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis . any grass of the genus Chloris ; occurs in short grassland especially on waste ground or poor soils .