
  1. 浅析福建客家土楼建筑特点

    Analysis on characteristic of Hakka soil building in Fujian

  2. 本文依据族谱和一些文献资料考察了福建客家人移民广西陆川的历史。

    In the paper , the history of the Fujian Hakka Immigrant in Luchuan was traced with the help some historical archive of clan trees .

  3. 介绍了福建客家土楼的平面形式以及空间布局特色,从外观、屋顶、构件的细部三方面探析了土楼的装饰艺术,从而使得大家对福建客家土楼建筑有一个全面地了解。

    It introduces plane mode and spatial layout of Hakka soil building in Fujian , and analyzes decorative art of it from appearance 、 roof and component , which makes Hakka soil building can be known wholly .

  4. 福建省客家话的分布与特点

    The distribution and traits of Fujian Hakkas

  5. 福建永定客家土楼源远流长,是中国远古时期产生的生土建筑技术在福建的继承与发展。

    Hakka Earth Buildings Complex in Yongding of Fujian enjoys a long history , which is regarded as the inheritance and development of earth architecture technique emerged in primitive period .

  6. 文章介绍了福建西部客家土楼的夯筑技术,着重分析了夯筑材料、工具和具体的施工程序。

    The article introduces the tamping technique for the earth buildings of the Hakkas , and emphatically analyses the materials of the tamped clay walls , tamping tools and construction procedure .

  7. 土楼是福建省西部的客家传统住宅。

    Tu Lou is a traditional dwelling for Hakkas in west Fujian Province .