
  • 网络Fukushima;Fukushima City
  1. 这起事件源自日本福岛市,它位于东京以北140英里,这里的福岛第一核电站在震后发生了严重泄露,东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)的工人们正在拼命采取措施,阻止危机升级。

    It was birthed in the city of Fukushima , 140 miles north of Tokyo , where workers for Tokyo Electric Power Co. , the embattled operator of the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant , desperately tried to contain an escalating crisis .

  2. 可能还是会有些人对福岛是否安全感到担忧,但是只要运动员和粉丝们来了,他们就会看到,福岛市安全的。

    Some people might be a little concerned about Fukushima , but once athletes and fans come , they will see that it is safe .

  3. 年3月25日星期五,日本福岛县相马市,为福岛核设施泄露而设立的避难中心里,一位妇女一动不动地坐在那里。

    A woman sits motionless at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged fukushima nuclear facilities friday march 25 2011 in soma fukushima prefecture japan.2011