
  • 网络phosphate;PHOSPHATE ROCK;phosphorus ore;Rock Phosphate
  1. ICP-AES法测定磷矿石中主量、痕量成分

    Study on the Analysis of Main and Trace Elements in Phosphate Rock by ICP-AES

  2. 直接络合滴定法测定磷矿石中的钙

    Determination of Calcium in Phosphate Rock by Direct Complexometric Titration

  3. 次生磷矿石表面的Ca-P吸附层对磷矿石磷的释放有重要影响。

    The release of phosphorus from secondary phosphate rock is influenced by the Ca-P-adsorbing layer on surface of the rock .

  4. 多道γ能谱仪应用于测定磷矿石中~(226)Ra

    Use of Multi-Channel γ - Spectrometer in the Determination of ~ ( 226 ) Ra in Phosphate Ore

  5. 氢氟酸溶样ICP-AES法测定出口磷矿石中氧化铁和氧化铝

    Determination of Iron Oxide and Alumina in Export Phosphorus Rock by ICP-AES of Dissolving Sample with Hydrofluoric Acid

  6. 目前,总体技术达到:总脱硫效率≥95%,磷矿石的萃取率>90%,肥料总养分含量(N+P2O5)≥35%。

    The technological indexes were reached of > 95 % overall desul-phurization efficiency , > 90 % phosphate extraction and > 35 % total nutrient ( N + P2O5 ) content in the product fertilizer .

  7. 通过试验,找出了磷矿石氧化镁含量测定中异常现象出现的原因,应注意EGTA溶液计量的准确度。

    The reasons that bring abnormal phenomena of magnesium content determination in phosphate rock are analyzed by the experiment of improving measure precision of EGTA solution .

  8. 该磷矿石以硅酸盐类矿物为主,脉石矿物主要含有长石、白云石、石英、云母等。

    Gangue minerals include feldspar , dolomite , quartz and mica .

  9. 磷矿石熔融还原(Ⅰ)&磷酸盐还原实验研究

    Smelting reduction of phosphorus ore (ⅰ) laboratory investigation on phosphate reduction

  10. 微波消化在磷矿石样品制备中的应用

    Application of Microwave Digestion for Sample Preparation of Phosphorous Ore

  11. 电极法测定磷矿石中氟化物含量

    Determination of the Content of Fluorine in Phosphatic Ore by Electrode Method

  12. 磷矿石中二氧化碳和有机碳含量的测定

    Determination of carbon dioxide and organic carbon in phosphate ore

  13. 容量法连续测定磷矿石中钙锶镁

    Successive Volumetric Determination of Calcium , Strontium and Magnesium in Phosphatic Rocks

  14. 磷矿石的铅离子吸附性能研究

    Research on Pb ~ ( 2 + ) sorption property of phosphatic ore

  15. 磷矿石生产饲料级磷酸氢钙萃取新工艺研究

    A New Extraction Process for Production of Feedstuff grade Calcium Monophosphate from Phosphate Rock

  16. 铋盐-钼蓝示差光度法测定磷矿石中五氧化二磷

    Determination of Phosphorus Pentoxide in Phosphate Ore by Bismuth Salt - molybdenum Blue Parallax Photometric Method

  17. 氟硅酸钾容量法测定磷矿石中的活性二氧化硅

    The application of potassium fluosilicate volumetric method for determination of active silicon dioxide content in phosphate ore

  18. 磷矿石中脉石成分对窑法磷酸工艺的影响

    The effect of gangue in phosphorus ores on the production of phosphoric acid in a rotary kiln

  19. 工厂化生产采用了先进的半封闭式平铺堆沤发酵工艺和直接采用磷矿石生产专用追肥的新工艺。

    New mass production processes included the semi-closed pile fermentation method and thedirect phosphate mineral production method .

  20. 本公司大量生产磷矿石和磷矿粉,价格优惠,欢迎来电洽谈!

    Mass production of the companys phosphate and phosphate rock , favorable price , please call to discuss !

  21. 磷矿石品质对半水二水(二步法)再结晶浓酸工艺的重要性

    The importance of quality of phosphate rock to HDH two-step recrystallizing process for production of concentrated phosphoric acid

  22. 美国佛罗里达雷克兰磷矿石为低品位的磷块岩矿石,美国采用两段浮选技术获得磷精矿。

    Low-graded phosphate ores from Rockland of Florida are usually processed by flotation in two stages in USA with concentrates obtained .

  23. GB/T1871-1980磷精矿和磷矿石中磷、铁、铝、钙、镁含量的分析方法

    " Analyses of the phosphorus , iron , aluminium , calcium and magnesium contents in phosphorus concentrates and phosphorus minerals "

  24. 研究了石墨炉原子吸收法测定磷矿石中微量镉的多种干扰作用。

    An anti-interference method is studied for the determination of trace cadmium in phosphate rock by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry .

  25. 不仅如此,白云石、磷矿石、铁矿石等储量全省闻名;

    In addition , Feidong is known in the province for the reserves of dolomite , phosphate ore and iron ore ;

  26. 磷酸、磷矿石质量对料浆法重钙产品水溶磷含量的影响

    Effects of the Quality of Phosphoric Acid and Phosphate Rock on the Content of Soluble P_2O_5 in the Slurry Rout CTSP Product

  27. 通过分析贵州织金县某地区磷矿石化学成分,对原矿进行了一系列的反浮选工艺试验研究。

    Phosphate ore of Zhijin phosphate deposit was studied by adopting the reverse flotation technology experiment according to the natures of phosphate ore.

  28. 适用于磷矿石中5%~38%五氧化二磷的测定。

    The method is suited to determine the phosphorus pentoxide contents with the range of 5 % ~ 38 % in phosphate ores .

  29. 石门磷矿石为高镁硅钙质磷块岩,嵌布粒度细,是较难选的磷块岩之一。

    It is more difficult to process Shimen posphate ore of high magnesium , silicon , calcium content and fine mosaic and distribution granularity .

  30. 镉在磷块岩中的赋存状态为类质同象和吸附态,在风化磷矿石中以吸附态为主。

    Cadmium is existed in phosphate rock as isomorphism and sorption state , while cadmium is existed in weathered phosphate rock chiefly as sorption state .