
  1. x一硅藻土矿铁的浸出率,%;

    X is leaching rate of iron from diatomite , % ;

  2. 硅藻土矿分布区斜坡稳定性分析与评价

    Stability Analysis and Estimation of Slope in Diatomite Distributing Region

  3. 吉林省硅藻土矿的基本特征

    Basic characteristics of diatomite in Jilin Province

  4. 云南先锋硅藻土矿是我国的一个特大型硅藻土矿床。

    The Xianfeng diatomite deposit in Yunnan is the largest deposit in our country , which is featured of thick layers .

  5. 实验表明硅藻土矿、硫酸溶液和水在微波作用下温度升高。

    The results of the experiment indicated that temperature of diatomite ore and water and diluted sulfuric acid solutions would raise in microwave field .

  6. 本论文以硅藻土矿为研究对象,开展微波强化硅藻土矿提纯机理研究,探讨微波对硅藻土矿酸浸提纯反应的影响规律。

    We decided on adopting diatomite in this paper , performing " the study on the mechanism in purification of diatomite ore by microwave strengthening " then probing into the regular patterns on purification of diatomite processing by microwave strengthening .

  7. 研究结果表明,微波作用下,随着反应温度、硫酸浓度、液固比的升高以及反应时间的延长,硅藻土矿铁的浸出率增加;

    The research results show that , under the function of microwave , the iron leaching rate of diatomite increased with the increase of the reaction temperature , sulphuric acid concentration and liquid-solid ratio and the prolongation of the reaction time .

  8. 它指示着硅藻土矿主要分布于中高纬度地区,不仅是因为那里的冷水域有丰富的营养盐,有利于硅藻的生长繁殖,还因为低温有利于硅藻遗骸的保存而不至于被溶解。

    This may indicate that the distribution of diatomite in cold area of middle to high latitude is not only where are rich in nutrition for diatom to flourish but also that the lower temperature favorites to diatomite 's preservation and not being dissolved .

  9. 雷州半岛硅藻土矿床控矿地质因素及成矿规律

    Geological Factors of Ore-controlling and Mineralization Law for Diatomaceous Earth Ore Deposit in Leizhou Peninsula