
  • gravelly
  1. 粗粒含量对砾质土工程性质影响的研究

    Influence of Coarse Grained Content on Engineering Properties of Gravelly Soil

  2. 砾质土钻孔灌砂工艺三轴试验效果研究

    Triaxial Tests Effect Study on Drilling and Pumped Sands of Gravelly Soil

  3. 砾质土地基的持载研究

    Analysis of the Carrying Capacity of the Gravel - Soil Foundation

  4. 砾质土做为土石坝防渗体的研究

    Study on gravelly soil as impermeable material of earth dam

  5. 风蚀砾质化过程;

    The process of Wind erosion and gritty Surface formation ;

  6. 由压缩试验分析砾质花岗岩残积土的结构特性

    Analysis for Structural Character of Gravelly Granitic Residual Soil by Compression Test

  7. 尖角的碎石嵌入粘土或沙而构成的砾质岩。

    A rudaceous rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in clay or sand .

  8. 砾质土防渗性能控制

    The Control of Gravel Soil Prevent Penetrate Performance

  9. 砾质戈壁区应用保水剂造林技术研究

    Research on Application of Water Retaining Agent to Afforestation on the Gravel Gobi Region

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘砾质冲积扇沉积学特征

    Sedimentology of Gravelly Alluvial Fans on the Western Margin of Late Triassic , Ordos Basin

  11. 黑色、棕色和红色石灰土砾石对丘陵紫色砾质土持水性的影响

    Effects of Gravel on Water Retention Capability of Purple Gravelly Soils in a Hilly Area

  12. 所用葡萄只产自由砾质土壤的泰拉洛克葡萄园。

    The grapes have been sourced entirely from Tallarook vineyard blocks consisting of gravelly clays .

  13. 并将所得的宽级配砾质土相关研究结果与有关文献中粘性土的研究成果进行了对比分析。

    And research results of wide grading gravelly soil and clay are analyzed by contrast .

  14. 宽级配砾质土在土石坝心墙防渗中的应用与研究

    Research of Gravelly Soil with Spreading Gradation for Being Used in Soil Core Rockfill Dam

  15. 准噶尔盆地西北缘广泛发育二叠纪侏罗纪冲积扇、水下扇、扇三角洲等砾质粗碎屑沉积。

    The Permian-Jurassic alluvial-fan , subaqua-fan and delta-fan were widely distributed in the west-north margin of Junggar Basin .

  16. 底部砾岩形成于受古地形控制的砾质河流沉积环境;

    The lower conglomerate developed in fluvial environment which originated from incised valley , obviously controlled by paleogeography .

  17. 在重型击实或碾压后,砾质土的工程性质主要受粗粒含量的不同而变化。

    After heavy tamping or compaction by rolling , the engineering properties of gravelly soil change with different coarse grained contents .

  18. 此外,已有研究多针对于低海拔、沙质河床,而很少有涉及高海拔、构造抬升强烈、砾质河床的地区。

    And those existed researches more focused on low-altitude areas with sand-bed rivers than high-altitude areas with stong uplift and gravel-bed rivers .

  19. 对非饱和砾质土心墙料做一组等应力比和等应力增量比为常数的试验,发现邓肯-张模型基本能反映该应力路径下的应力应变关系。

    Analyzing the test results , the Duncan-Chang model can basically reflect the coarse grained soil 's stress-strain relationship under the stress path of dam .

  20. 主要发育混杂基质支撑砾质砂岩相、含砾砂岩相、泥质支撑砂岩相和砂质粉砂岩相;粒度粗是其主要特征;

    The petrographic facies include hybrid matrix-supported gravelly sandstone , pebbled sandstone , argillaceous-supported sandstone and sandy siltstone , which are mainly characterized by coarse-grained sediments .

  21. 试验结果表明,击实砾质土抗拉强度随着干密度的增加而增加,增加幅度显著;

    The results of the tests indicate that the tensile strength of the soil increases with the dry density increasing , and the increment is obvious .

  22. 在所试验的含水率、密度和前期固结压力范围内,试验得到的砾质土抗拉强度为20~80kPa。

    Within the investigated ranges of water content , dry density and preconsolidation pressure , the tensile strengths of the soils vary from 20 to 80 kPa .

  23. 对3种不同土料的击实试样进行了抗拉强度试验,其中,1种土料为塑性相对较高的黏土,另2种为砾质黏土。

    Tensile strength tests were performed on three compacted soil specimens , one being the clay with relatively high plasticity , and the others being the gravel clay .

  24. 其次,对3种不同粗料含量的非饱和砾质土心墙料做不同含水量下的不固结不排水试验,研究粗料含量和含水量对砾质土的力学性质的影响。

    Second , a series of UU tests for three kinds of unsaturated gravelly soils with different coarse material content ( P5 ) and different water content are performed .

  25. 砾石土/砾质土的水分含量与砾石含量、砾石的来源、大小、孔隙度以及砾石在土壤中存在的位置有关;

    The water contents in soils containing rock fragments are associated with origin , content , size , and porosity of rock fragments and its position in the soil profile .

  26. 2该地区旱砂地农田土壤机械组成以砂粒和砾石为主,分别在60%和20%左右,构成了多砾质砂土。

    The soil mechanical composition of dry-sandy farmland in this region was mainly sand and gravel that the contents are stable , which respectively were about 60 % and 20 % .

  27. 其中辫状河可划分为砾质辫状河和砂质辫状河。洛河组主要沉积了冲积扇相、风成沉积相、辫状河相和沙漠相;

    The latter is further sub-divided into gravelly and sandy braided fluvial facies . Major sedimentary facies in the Luohe Formation include alluvial fans facies , eolian facies , braided fluvial facies , and desert facies .

  28. 试验研究还认为,只要解决好渗透稳定问题,做好反滤保护,砾质土作心墙防渗体是可行的。

    In this article the conclusion was got from some experiments and researches that the crux of the matter is to solve the seepage stability of the soil and it is possible that gravelly soil is made into impervious core with the protection of filter .

  29. 分布特征是钙质紫色土水稻、玉米缺锌,酸性砂质土小麦缺钼,砾质黄壤油菜、柑桔缺硼,潜育化潮土小麦缺锰。

    The distribution feature is that in calico purple soil rice and corn are short of zinc , in acid arenaceous soil wheat is short of molybdenum , in gravel yellow soil cole and orange are short of boron , in gles tide soil wheat is short of manganese .

  30. 广西北部分布着下震旦统两套厚度大的杂砾岩系,即长安组与南沱组,均由含砾泥质岩、含砾砂岩及其夹一些砂。泥岩组成。

    Two thick polycomponent conglomerate formations of Lower Sinian ( ie , the chang an Formation and the Nantuo Formation ) are distributed in Northern Guangxi .