
shùn jiān
  • moment;instant;second;minute;split-second;in a twinkling;in the blink of an eye;in a jiffy;jiffy;wink;mo
瞬间 [shùn jiān]
  • [in a twinkling;split-second] 一眨眼的工夫,转瞬之间

  • 船行如箭,瞬间来到近旁

瞬间[shùn jiān]
  1. 他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。

    What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment .

  2. 他拍的照片时机掌握完美,记录下了动人的快乐瞬间。

    His photo is a wonderful happy moment caught with perfect timing

  3. 信息瞬间便可传递到大脑。

    The message arrives in your brain in a fraction of a second .

  4. 她必须在瞬间作出决定。

    She had to make a split-second decision .

  5. 电影中,枪能使人在瞬间毙命,而实际情况并非如此。

    In the movies guns kill people instantly , but it 's not like that in real life .

  6. 突然一个闪电瞬间照亮了一切。

    A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second

  7. 油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间,油开始外溢。

    The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured .

  8. 摄影师抓拍到了简不经意的瞬间。

    The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment

  9. 因为两颗子弹都击中了心脏,所以死亡是瞬间发生的。

    Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart .

  10. 那是个非常非常感人的瞬间。

    It was a very , very touching moment .

  11. 她和迈克尔在一瞬间四目相对。

    Her gaze met Michael 's for a split second

  12. 他回笑了一下,有那么一瞬间不动声色的脸上焕发出容光。

    He smiled back , which for an instant transfigured his unrevealing features .

  13. 他说,士兵们必须要在开火之前作出瞬间的决定。

    Soldiers had to make split-second decisions before opening fire , he said .

  14. 一瞬间,他整个背部都露了出来。

    For an instant his whole back was exposed .

  15. 一瞬间罗伊脸上似乎闪过一丝忧伤。

    For a moment a shadow seemed to pass across Roy 's face .

  16. 尽管如此,他瞬间显露出的天赋还是会让你原谅他所做的一切。

    Still , for those flashes of genius , you can forgive him anything .

  17. 她考虑了那么一瞬间就果决地撕开了信封。

    She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope .

  18. 有一瞬间,阿诺德对威尔逊先生心生同情。

    For a moment , Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson .

  19. 渡轮瞬间倾覆,根本没时间放救生艇下水。

    There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed .

  20. 他似乎在一瞬间又一次将国家的命运握在了手中。

    He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands

  21. 他们很害怕詹姆斯会死——然而,有那么几个瞬间,他们几乎是希望他会死。

    They were terrified James would die — yet there were moments when they almost wished he would

  22. 他冷静超然的伪装破碎了,一瞬间她的面前出现了一个愤怒而又狂暴的男人。

    His mask of detachment cracked , and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man .

  23. 先是一阵疼痛,接着一股瞬间的剧痛沿着丹洛的脊柱窜了上来。

    There was a pain then , a quick , blinding agony that jumped along Danlo 's spine .

  24. 二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

    Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization .

  25. 幸福是瞬间烟火,还是相濡以沫?

    Happiness is the instantaneous fireworks , or helps one another in difficult time ?

  26. 这只是个瞬间动作。

    That is only an instantaneous action .

  27. 他作了个瞬间反应。

    He had an instantaneous response .

  28. 灾难导致无以计数的生命瞬间陨灭,无以计数的房屋顷刻摧毁。

    The disaster wiped out hundreds of thousands of lives in a short time , and destroyed thousands of houses in a moment .

  29. 我知道我距离美网决赛只有一分之遥,但是接下去的那些在一瞬间就发生了。

    I know I was one point away from getting to the US Open final , but it all happened in a moment .

  30. 迪尔解释说:“我们发现,由于拍照者一直在寻找他们想要捕捉的瞬间,他们想要记录的事情,所以他们看待这个世界的角度可能会稍有不同。”

    " What we find is you actually look at the world slightly differently , because you 're looking for things you want to capture , that you may want to hang onto , " Diehl explains .