
  • 网络sui lu
  1. 中国队另一名世界冠军眭禄以15.500分夺得亚军,美国人莱斯曼获得铜牌。

    World champion Sui Lu of China won silver with 15.500 while America 's Alexandra Raisman was awarded bronze .

  2. 通过与新科平衡木世界冠军眭禄的比较,我国运动员在完成助跑前空翻类动作时存在助跑速度低、起跳角度小、腾空高度不足的问题。

    By comparing with Lu jia , the new world beam champion , the study concludes there are such problems as low speed for run-up , small taking-off angle and insufficient height for gymnasts in China to perform forward somersault . 3 .
