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  1. 胜景寺庙会是昆明北郊盘龙江上游上坝村宗教生活的重要内容。

    Shengjing Temple fairs are the important part of religious life of Shangba Village in upstream region of Panlong River in northern suburbs of Kunming .

  2. 用紫露草雄蕊毛突变技术对盘龙江松花坝至滇池河段的水质进行监测。

    In the experiment , the water quality of Panlongjiang River was monitored by using Tradescantia .

  3. 本文试图借鉴美国圣安东尼河滨步道的开发经验,浅谈盘龙江滨河空间的创造问题。

    According to the example of San Antonio River , this paper briefly talks about how the river walk of Panlongjiang can be created .