
  1. 在那里,著名主持人白岩松正在举行讲座,期望带领20岁的大学新生一起追逐幸福。

    The lecture enlightened the20-year-old college freshman on the pursuit of happiness .

  2. 中华红丝带基金形象大使白岩松说。

    China Red Ribbon Foundation ambassador Bai Yansong said .

  3. 白岩松演讲地点在卢斯礼堂。

    Bai made his speech at Luce Hall .

  4. 全国政协委员,中央电视台主持人,白岩松

    Bai Yansong , member of the CPPCC National Committee and anchor with China Central Television

  5. 通过白岩松的演讲,学生们了解了在过去几十年来中国所发生的变化。

    Through Bai 's speech , students learned what changes had taken place in China during the past decades .

  6. 中央电视台知名主持人白岩松也为运动员辩护,同时对赛制提出批评。

    Bai Yansong , a prominent news anchor on state-run China Central Television , also defended the athletes while criticizing the system . '

  7. 中国著名新闻节目主持人白岩松带领12名出色的电视节目主持人参加致无情暴风雪的诗朗诵。

    Famed Chinese news anchor Bai Yansong , leads a list of12 prominent television hosts who will take part in a poetry recital addressing the savage storms .

  8. 白岩松看来,很难指望在物质匮乏的条件下靠情感和精神就可以让自己幸福。

    In his opinion , people can hardly become happy barely because of emotional and moral dependency but life-support physical substance , which is the foundation of all .

  9. 白岩松调侃地说,他从中听到超女和快男的某种娱乐精神,他不希望大家仅仅是为了看一眼活的白岩松。

    Bai Yansong ridicule said that he heard from women and super-fast men a fun spirit , he does not want us just to watch a live Bai Yansong .

  10. 白岩松在他的博客中说道:“大部分的家乐福大部分的员工都是中国人,这样的抵制等于就是一种内讧。”呼吁中国网民冷静下来理智情绪。

    Bai said in his blog that " most of the employees in Carrefour chain stores are Chinese and such boycotts are a kind of faction ", calling on Chinese netizens to calm down and have rational emotions .