
bái tóu yè hóu
  • white-headed langur
白头叶猴[bái tóu yè hóu]
  1. 基于GIS技术的白头叶猴潜在分布研究

    Research on Potential Distribution of the White-headed Langur Based on GIS Technology

  2. 白头叶猴对阳光和降雨因子的行为对策

    Behaviour strategy of white-headed langur responding the facters of sun and rainfall

  3. 该研究表明,运用粪便DNA技术并结合微卫星分析技术可以有效地完成对白头叶猴的个体识别。

    The result showed that the method which combine extracting DNA from fecal samples and micro satellite technology is a reliable method for individual identification of white headed langur .

  4. 基于3S技术的白头叶猴(Trachypithecusleucocephallus)生境破碎化研究

    Research on Habitat Fragmentation of the White-headed Leaf Monkey ( Trachypithecus leucocephallus ) Based on 3S Technology

  5. 笼养白头叶猴的食物选择和食物量的研究

    Research on food selection and daily feeding quantity of white-headed leaf monkey

  6. 白头叶猴的行为研究(Ⅱ)&白头叶猴的社群行为

    The research on social behaviour of white headed leaf monkey

  7. 白头叶猴食谱与觅食时间分配的研究

    The research on dietary and feeding time budget of white-headed leaf monkey

  8. 并研究白头叶猴生境因子之间的相关性。

    The interrelation of habitat factors of white headed langur has also been stud .

  9. 初步探讨白头叶猴栖息地的干扰和恢复以及与破碎化的关系;

    We revealed the relationship between habitat fragmentation and simulation of disturbance and restoration .

  10. 笼养白头叶猴夏季水分摄入与消耗的初步研究

    Preliminary research on water intake and consumption of captive white headed leaf monkey ( presbytis leucocephalus ) in summer

  11. 雌性白头叶猴仅单核细胞显著低于雌性黑叶猴,其他项目差异不显著;

    Between female white headed langur and female tonkin langur , all values excepting the monocyte percentage had no significant difference .

  12. 但到目前为止,国际和国内关于白头叶猴遗传多样性的研究一直未见报道。

    But up to now , the genetic diversity of the white-headed leaf monkey is not reported in China and in the World .

  13. 1996年1月~12月对饲养在广西扶绥珍贵动物保护站内的白头叶猴进行了食物能量代谢的研究。

    Energy metabolism of white headed langur in cage was measured from Jan. to Dec. 1996 in Fusui Rare Animal Protection Station , Fusui county , Guangxi .

  14. 结果表明白头叶猴的雄性入侵繁殖策略必将导致该种群的灭亡,而杀性行为加快了其灭亡的速度。

    Results indicate that male invasion of the white-headed leaf monkey reproduction tactics will cause extinction of this population , and infanticide behavior accelerates the speed of extinction .

  15. 由于种种原因,白头叶猴的栖息地环境恶化严重,分布范围锐减,种群数量也在急剧下降,其濒危状况比国宝大熊猫还要严重。

    Because of several reasons , the habitats of this langur were seriously deteriorated and the distribution area shrank greatly . The population of white-headed langurs decreased sharply .

  16. 第一次研究发现白头叶猴的日漫游和日活动面积有季节性变化的特点,表现为夏季短,冬季长。

    We first time found that the day range and day area of the monkey had seasonal change which was shorter or smaller in summer and longer or larger in winter .

  17. 与他人1987年的报道相比,十年间该区白头叶猴的种群数量下降了61.95%,种群密度下降了67.92%,平均群大小下降了23.88%,并有19群已从该保护区消失。

    Compared to the data from 1987 , the population has decreased by 61.95 % over the past ten years , while the population density by 67 . 92 % and means group size by 23.88 % , with 19 groups apparently disappearing from the Reserve .