
bái jing
  • fair and clear;fair-skinned;light-complexioned
白净 [bái jìng]
  • [fair-skinned;light-complexioned] 皮肤白皙而洁净的

  • 五短身材,白净面皮。--《水浒传》

白净[bái jing]
  1. 这孩子长得白净。

    The child has a fair complexion .

  2. 对于他的嘴和手,她的温润白净的大腿是多么甜美呀。

    Her smooth white thighs were sweet under his mouth and hands .

  3. 这确实使她的皮肤细腻白净如蜡一般。

    It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax .

  4. 那可爱的小姑娘打扮得很漂亮,穿着柔软白净的薄纱衫。

    The little creature was daintily decked out in soft , snowy muslin .

  5. 她穿了一件薄薄的白衣衫,显得她自己更白净,更轻盈了。

    Dressed in a delicate white dress , she seemed herself slighter and whiter .

  6. 同时也会疑惑,在电视采访中一直站在安德鲁身边的那个白净的棕发女人是谁?

    And who is the porcelain-skinned brunette standing by her man throughout the TV interrogations ?

  7. 两姊妹都象百合花一样白净。

    Both sisters were fair as lilies .

  8. 一个白净的年轻人,没有结领带,从一个街垒到一个街垒传达口令。

    A light-haired young man , without a cravat , went from barricade to barricade , carrying pass-words .

  9. 不。不,不,不对,没有。我没有说必须要白净到发亮。

    No. No , no , no , no. No. I 'm not saying it has to be sparkling .

  10. 不一会,他的姐姐们都浮到水面上来了,她们悲哀地望着她,苦痛地扭著她们白净的手。

    Then her sisters came up on the waves , and gazed at her mournfully , wringing their white hands .

  11. 一会儿以后,沿着路的一边他们来到了一个高耸而白净的石墙附近。

    After a while , they came to a high , white stone wall along one side of the road .

  12. 巴克提这个术语,意思是奉献于一个人格化的神,出现在《薄伽梵歌》和《白净识者奥义书》上。

    The term bhakti , in the sense of devotion to a personal god , appears in the Bhagavadgita and the Svetasvatara Upanishad .

  13. 萨摩亚环境是热带茂密,绿峰火山坠落到辉煌珊瑚礁一项大规模的生态旅游天堂依然白净。

    The Samoan environment is tropically lush , with green volcanic peaks plunging to brilliant coral reefs , an ecotourism paradise still unspoiled by mass tourism .

  14. 绿色和白色薄荷酒有什么区别吗?那可爱的小姑娘打扮得很漂亮,穿着柔软白净的薄纱衫。

    What is the difference between green and white cr è me de menthe ? The little creature was daintily decked out in soft , snowy muslin .

  15. 她的身躯长成了,皮肤白净了,头发润泽了,蓝眼睛的瞳孔里燃起了一种不曾见过的光采。

    Her figure was formed , her skin had grown white , her hair was lustrous , an unaccustomed splendor had been lighted in her blue eyes .

  16. 她告诉自己,要坚强,不放弃,她的肩上背负了太多人的期待。她的笑容很好看。但是那张白净的笑脸背后隐藏了多少辛酸。

    Too much expectation is shouldered by her young body so that only she knows for herself the bitterness behind her most beautiful smile in the whole world .

  17. 一碗绝佳的牛肉拉面应该具有汤汁清爽、萝卜白净、辣油红艳、香菜翠绿、面条黄亮五个特点。

    The best beef noodles should acquire the following five features : clear soup , clean white turnips , brilliant red chili oil , green parsley and yellow noodles .

  18. 是的,我让这团乱麻先堆积两天,然后我再把它收拾得白净到发亮,然后整个循环继续。

    Yeah , I let the mess accumulate for two days , and then I clean until it 's sparkling , and then , uh , the cycle starts all over again .

  19. 每次刷牙后,用纱布沾点柠檬汁,在牙齿有渍垢的地方,做重点擦拭,就有令人意想不到的绝佳的白净效果。

    Every time after brushing your teeth , you can use gauze to dip in lemon juice , cleaning the stains of teeth , and they will have unexpected results & perfect clear .

  20. 凤爪是中国各地的一道美味;用双氧水处理鸡爪,是为了使它们看起来更为白净。这些毒凤爪被销售到全国10多个省份。

    The chicken feet , which are a delicacy throughout China , were treated with hydrogen peroxide to make them white and fresh-looking and were sold to more than 10 provinces across the country .

  21. 另外在古代中胡须代表着荣誉和更高的社会地位,现代社会延续了这一点——虽然有67%的女性觉得大胡子男人一样很有吸引力,但是那些面皮白净的男性则更受尊敬,更强大,也更有社会地位。

    Plus , ancient civilizations saw beards as a sign of honor , and women today - while admitting they find bearded men to be 67 % as attractive as clean shaven men - consider guys with full facial hair to be more respected , powerful and of higher status .