
  1. 四川地区兔脱毛癣病的病原学研究

    And disease of WM ; Dermatomycosis in rabbits from Sichuan area

  2. 皮质类固醇激素引起癣病扩散的临床及实验观察

    The clinical and laboratory observation on dermatophytosis dissemination caused by corticosteroid

  3. 国产硝酸咪康唑霜治疗癣病270例

    The Frost Treatment of tinea with miconazole cream on 270 patients

  4. 特比萘芬超声透入治疗兔模型癣病的研究

    Study on phonophoresis of terbinafine in treatment of rabbit dermatophytosis models

  5. 手足癣病防治剖析

    Discussion on the prevention and treatment of tinea manuum and tinea pedis

  6. 太原市某体校发生了一起皮肤癣病的流行。

    A physical school of Taiyuan happened an epidemic disease of skin tinea .

  7. 保持皮肤清洁干燥,是防治癣病的基本要求。

    Maintain skin cleanness dry , it is the main demand of disease of tinea of prevention and cure .

  8. 致病的真菌分为两类:一是浅部真菌,主要侵犯毛发、皮肤、指甲,俗称癣病。

    The fungus cent that causes disease is two kinds : It is shallow ministry fungus , basically encroach hair , skin , fingernail , common calls tinea disease .

  9. 癣病好发于夏季,接触患癣的人或动物及公用生活用具,均可发生传染。

    Season of Yu Xia of tinea disease good hair , the contact suffers from the person of tinea or animal and public life appliance , all can happen infect .

  10. 结论:复方藿香洗剂与常规西药合用显著提高了皮肤癣病和生殖器念珠菌病痊愈率,抗真菌中药的研究应引起重视。

    Conclusion : Combined use of CAL and western medicine could enhance the cure rate in treating skin tinea and genital candidiasis . Attention should be paid on studying Chinese anti-fungal agents .

  11. 目前用于药效研究的癣病动物模型的病情多较重,一些抗真菌作用较弱的中药对其较难奏效。

    At present studying in potency , as the disease condition of animal test model of tinea corporis is serious , some antifungal chinese drugs that have a weak potency fail to take effect .

  12. 这些渔民从事海水捕捞每年至少6~8个月的时间,而军人不足5天,提示海水浴对癣病可能有预防作用。

    Every year , these fishermen go fishing on the sea for at least 6 to 8 months , compared with less than 5 days for the soldiers to be in direct touch with seawater .

  13. 目的①应用RAPD技术对儿童皮肤癣菌病患者临床分离菌株进行基因分型,探讨菌株基因型与发病部位的相关性。

    Objective ① To investigate the DNA type of clinical isolates of dermatophytes from children using RAPD , and to study the relationship between genotypes and the sites of infection of dermatophytes .

  14. 大型酿酒企业工人感染皮肤癣菌病的现状与对策

    Present status and countermeasure of liquor workers with dermatophytosis from large companies

  15. 沈阳地区23年皮肤癣菌病分离菌株分析

    Pathogenic Analysis of Dermatophytosis for 23 Years in Shenyang Region

  16. 1%盐酸特比奈芬乳膏治疗皮肤癣菌病48例临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of 1 % Terbinafine in Treatment of 48 Patients with Dermatophytosis

  17. 皮肤癣菌病酿酒工人个性特征及生活质量的调查

    Investigation of the personality and quality of life in liquor workers with dermatophytosis

  18. 银狐狸被毛真菌菌群携带与皮肤癣菌病患者相关性分析

    Investigation of the relationship between the dermatophytes carried by silver foxes and the dermatophytosis

  19. 皮肤癣菌病与病原菌的分布关系:病原菌主要是红色毛癣菌。

    Distributive relationship between dermatophytosis and pathogenic bateria : The pathogenic bateria was trichophyton rubrum .

  20. 目的建立免疫抑制小鼠皮肤癣菌病模型,探讨华芙消毒液对免疫抑制小鼠皮肤癣菌病的疗效。

    Objective To establish tinea models of immunosuppressed mice and to evaluate the antifungal effect of Huafu antiseptic solution .

  21. 目的研究复方联苯苄唑液的抑菌效果及组方的科学合理性,用于临床治疗皮肤癣菌病。

    Objective To invest the bacteriostasis effect of Bifonazole Solution Compound and its components are scientific and reasonable to treat skin tinea disease .

  22. 皮肤癣菌病的发病种类:酿酒工人足癣的患病率很高(72.62%),其次是花斑癣(15.35%);

    Episode sort of dermatophytosis : The incidence rate of liquor workers was higher ( 72.62 % ), followed by tinea versicolor ( 15.35 % ) .

  23. 皮肤癣菌病的发病情况:酿酒工人628名,患皮肤癣菌病468名(74.52%),企业行政职员436名,患皮肤癣菌病210名(48.23%),两者比较差异显著(P<0.01)。

    Incidence of dermatophytosis : Of 628 liquor workers , 468 workers were with dermatophytosis ( 74.52 % ) . Of 436 administrative staffs from companies , 210 were with dermatophytosis ( 48.23 % ) . There was significant difference between the both ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 对一系列先天性非大疱性鱼鳞癣样红皮病患者的结构、酶和分子的研究

    Structural , enzymatic and molecular studies in a series of nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma patients

  25. 慢性板块型干癣为干癣住院病患最常见之临床表现。

    Chronic plaque psoriasis was the most common clinical type in psoriatic inpatients .

  26. 须癣毛癣菌所致脓癣病发的扫描和透射电镜观察及菌体外酶活性分析:2例报告

    Two cases of kerion due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes : SEM and TEM observation of the involved hairs and analysis of secreted fungal enzymatic activities

  27. 二者不仅能引起体股癣、手足癣、甲癣、头癣等癣病,还能引起脓癣、脓肿和肉芽肿等深部感染。

    They cause not only a variety of superficial mycosis , including onychomycosis , tinea cruis and tinea pedis , but also deep infections , such as kerion , abscess and granuloma .