
tān huàn
  • paralysis;be paralyzed;paralysation;palsy;plegia
瘫痪 [tān huàn]
  • (1) [paralysis;palsy]∶身体任何部位运动的或感觉的功能完全或部分丧失。可见于脑血管意外后遗症以及神经系统其他一些疾病

  • (2) [be paralyzed]∶比喻机构涣散、混乱,不能正常工作

瘫痪[tān huàn]
  1. 罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。

    The strike caused total paralysis in the city .

  2. 龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。

    Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis , swelling , and nausea

  3. 那场事故使他腰部以下都瘫痪了。

    The accident left him paralysed from the waist down .

  4. 她从腰部以下都瘫痪了。

    She was paralysed from the waist down .

  5. 他因中风身体局部瘫痪了。

    The stroke left him partly paralysed .

  6. 她已婚的妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。

    Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident .

  7. 由于降雨过多,排水系统已经彻底瘫痪了。

    The drainage system has collapsed because of too much rain .

  8. 一场暴风雨致使公路隐患重重且电力瘫痪。

    A storm has made roads treacherous and knocked out power .

  9. 全面切断物品供应会使该国经济陷入瘫痪。

    A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country 's economy

  10. 正常生活陷于瘫痪,经济止步不前。

    Normal life is at a standstill , and the economy is faltering

  11. 那场罢工实际上使该岛陷入瘫痪。

    The strike has virtually paralysed the island .

  12. 因为警方一台电脑瘫痪,他成功地躲避了抓捕。

    He managed to evade capture because of the breakdown of a police computer .

  13. 管理者可能会使一个行之有效的制度陷于瘫痪。

    Regulators may gum up an efficient system

  14. 一场骑马意外事故导致他瘫痪。

    A riding accident left him immobile .

  15. 由于航空调度员罢工,波兰的空中交通已完全瘫痪。

    Air traffic in Poland has been brought to a halt by an air traffic controllers ' strike .

  16. 停电使火车的运行处于瘫痪状态。

    The electricity failure paralysed the train service .

  17. 他下肢瘫痪,两腿丧失机能。

    His lower body was paralysed , so he lost the use of his legs .

  18. 中风使他半边脸瘫痪。

    A stroke paralysed half his face .

  19. 他突然瘫痪了。

    An attack of paralysis seized him .

  20. 交通运输陷于瘫痪。

    Transportation was at a standstill .

  21. 如果粮食形势继续恶化,所有国家都将以前所未有的增速瘫痪。

    If the food situation continues to worsen , entire nations will break down at an ever increasing rate .

  22. 当政府无法再提供人身安全、粮食安全以及诸如教育和医疗保健等基本的社会服务时,国家就会瘫痪。

    States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security , food security and basic social services such as education and health care .

  23. 这些瘫痪的国家是受到国际关注的,因为它们是恐怖分子、毒品、武器和难民的源头,威胁着全球的政治稳定。

    Failing states are of international concern because they are a source of terrorists , drugs , weapons and refugees , threatening political stability everywhere .

  24. 一系列的罢工使那个国家陷于瘫痪之中。

    The country was paralysed by a series of strikes .

  25. 几年前有人对他行刺未遂,但子弹使他瘫痪了。

    He is paralyzed as the result of a would-be assassin 's bullet years ago .

  26. 但有一天,安妮患上了一种令人衰弱的中风,失去了记忆,完全瘫痪了。

    But one day Anne suffers a debilitating1 stroke , loses her memory and becomes completely paralysed .

  27. 郑州东站160余趟列车停运,造成大量旅客滞留。严重内涝导致郑州路面交通基本瘫痪。

    More than 160 trains stopped services at Zhengzhoudong Railway Station , stranding a large number of passengers .

  28. 在英国最近的一次调查中,近30%的受访者称曾经经历过至少一次睡眠瘫痪症。

    In a recent UK study , nearly 30 per cent of respondents said that they had experienced at least one episode of sleep paralysis in their lifetime .

  29. 儿童脑性瘫痪的CT形态学研究

    Cerebral Palsy in Children : A Study with Computed Tomographic Morphology

  30. 脑性瘫痪儿童脑CT与脑电图的对比研究

    Comparison of brain CT and EEG of children with cerebral palsy
