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  • Border;rectangular pieces of land in a field, separated by ridges, usu. for growing vegetables
  • 田园中分成的小区:~田。菜~。

  • 古代称田五十亩为一畦。


(有土埂围着的一块块排列整齐的田地) rectangular pieces of land in a field, separated by ridges, usu. for growing vegetables:

  • 菜畦

    a vegetable bed

  1. 滴灌条件下根围润湿区土壤可以经常保持较高的含水量,pH高于根外非润湿区和畦灌区,其土壤有效磷的含量高,而土壤有效铁的含量较低。

    Soil available P , water content and pH value are higher in wet part soil of drip irrigation than that in non-wet part and in furrow irrigation plot .

  2. 结果表明:垄畦栽培有利于建泽泻块茎产量的提高,促进其主要有效成分24-乙酰泽泻醇A和23-乙酰泽泻醇B的累积,是一项值得推广的改良种植方法。

    The result showed that ridge cultivation not only enhance the output but also improve the accumulation of the main available components which are alisol A 24-acetate and alisol B 23-acetate , comparing with the traditional planting method . It is worth spreading .

  3. 6沟播小麦的CO2通量比平作畦麦,相对增加9%-16%,且随着垄宽的增加而增加。但对光合有效辐射的吸收有减少的趋势。

    As compared with ( FC ) wheat , the CO_2 flux in furrow-drilling wheat increased by 9 % - 16 % , and increases with widening of the ridge , but meanwhile the absorption of photosynthesis-effective radiation exhibited a decrease trend .

  4. 结果表明:与传统的宽畦宽行穴播相比,窄畦窄行穴播大豆群体LAI高,叶片功能期长,相对光强高;

    The result showed the cultivating pattern ( SHCDNR ) had higher LAI of population , longer period of functional leaf and higher relative light intensity in the canopy , compared with traditional sowing in hole with broad drill and wide ridge .

  5. 5沟播小麦的田间蒸散量比平作畦麦减少了0.100.35mm/h,田间湿度比平作畦麦增加了1.26%2.75%,说明沟播小麦更有利于提高田间水分利用率。

    Furrow-drilling wheat may be favorable to raising field water use efficiency by decreasing field transpiration ( 0.10 & 0.35mm/h lower than in FC wheat ), and increasing field humidity .

  6. 采用田间对比试验、植株分析方法,研究了相同畦宽(200cm)、不同灌水量的沟灌渗透栽培和常规淹水栽培对直播水稻茎蘖生长及干物质积累的影响。

    The pairing method and the plant analysis were adopted to study the effects of water penetrations in furrow irrigations with different water amounts on tiller growth and dry matter accumulation of directly sown rice in rice farming with furrow irrigation and conventional rice farming .

  7. 啤酒大麦垄畦沟灌节水栽培技术研究初报

    Study of Saving Water Cultivation by Check-furrow Irrigation Technology In Beer-barley

  8. 3.3米畦播种20~22行;

    Sowing seeds in 20 & 22 rows per 3.3m wide .

  9. 推广小畦灌溉、细流沟灌、波涌灌溉;

    Popularize narrow border irrigation , tiny-stream furrow irrigation and wave irrigation .

  10. 小米草播种后,用液体生态地膜不同用量喷施畦面。

    Effect of liquid film mulching on cotton yield and soil environment ;

  11. 我们今天种了100畦番茄。

    We planted out a hundred rows of tomatoes today .

  12. 让镰刀歇在下一畦庄稼和田垄的花丛旁;

    Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers ;

  13. 饥馑来自田畦,疾病来自河流。

    Hunger arising from the furrow , and disease from the stream .

  14. 畦面微地形空间变异性分析

    Analysis on spatial variability of micro-topography in border fields

  15. 畦面微地形时空变异分布状况试验研究

    Experimental study on spatial and temporal variability of microtopography

  16. 浑水波涌畦灌田面沉积泥沙沿畦长分布规律试验研究

    Experiment Study on Sediment Distribution Regularity Along the Border Lengthwise of Irrigation Field

  17. 畦沟灌溉水流运动模型与数值模拟研究

    Research on Water Flow Model and Numerical Simulation for Border and Furrow Irrigation

  18. 高畦种植是比较适宜的宝坻山药种植方式。

    High ridge planting is a more proper way to plant Baodi Yam .

  19. 土壤空气阻力对水平畦灌溉的影响

    Effect of soil air resistance on level basin irrigation

  20. 长畦分段灌溉是一种节水型地面灌新方法。

    The long-border-phasing-irrigation is a new water-saving irrigation method .

  21. 条畦宽度随地块坡度、土壤肥力和灌溉而变化。

    Strip check space varies with plot slope , soil fertility and irrigation .

  22. 羊毛畦编针织物尺寸特性分析

    Dimensional properties of half-cardigan and full-cardigan wool knitted fabrics

  23. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。

    American wren that inhabits tall reed beds .

  24. 应用地面灌溉水流运动数学模型模拟了杨凌区的地面灌溉,得出不同坡度下,畦长与单宽流量的合理组合。

    Through simulating the ground irrigation applied the mathematical model of water current movement ;

  25. 长畦分段灌溉法灌水技术的研究

    Studies of Long-Border - Phrasing - Irrigation Technique

  26. 垄畦栽培水稻的植株形态与生理特性研究

    Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Raised Bed-cultivated Rice

  27. 合理确定沟畦规格和地面自然坡降,缩小地块;

    Reasonably set furrow and strip specifications and field natural slope and shrunk field .

  28. 垄作栽培较平畦栽培增产7.92%;

    Ridge culture could increase potato yield by 7.92 % as compared with normal culture ;

  29. 不同花生品种和肥料在小畦盖膜栽培中的效应

    The effects of different peanut varieties and fertilizers in small furrow culture covered with film

  30. 不同灌溉畦长对麦田灌水均匀度与土壤硝态氮分布的影响

    Effect of different border lengths on the irrigation homogeneity and soil nitrate-N distribution on wheat field
