
  • 网络E-commerce environment;e-business environment
  1. 然后分析在电子商务环境下,中小企业怎样进行ERP系统选型。

    And then analyzed in the e-business environment , MSEs how select ERP system .

  2. 电子商务环境下CRM评价体系的设计与实证研究

    Study on Designing and Demonstrating of CRM Evaluation System in E-Business Environment

  3. 电子商务环境中基于SET协议的电子支付平台的研究

    The Research of Electronic Payment Platform Based on SET Protocol in E-Commerce Environment

  4. 基于WEB的电子商务环境下供应链管理绩效评价

    Supply Chain Performance Management Measurement Based on WEB E-commerce

  5. 电子商务环境下基于WebServices的应用集成研究

    Web Services Enabled Application Integration in e-Business Environment

  6. 电子商务环境下基于WebServices的多代理自动协商系统的模型和若干关键技术研究

    Research of Model and Key Techniques of Multi-Agent Automatic Negotiation System Based on Web Services in Electronic Commerce

  7. 在电子商务环境下,Web挖掘的应用将使CRM向智能化方向发展。

    Web mining technologies can intelligentize CRM in the period of Electronic Commerce .

  8. 电子商务环境下ERP的体系结构研究。

    Secondly , in the electronic commerce , ERP 's system frame research .

  9. 电子商务环境下建筑陶瓷行业CRM解决方案

    The CRM on Construction Ceramics Industry in E-commerce Environment

  10. 电子商务环境下建设企业CRM系统的思路和策略

    Concept and Strategy in Implementing CRM under E-commerce Environment

  11. 商业银行在电子商务环境下的CRM模式

    CRM Model of Commercial Banks in E-commerce Environment

  12. CRM在电子商务环境下的应用

    Discussion of Application of CRM in E-business

  13. 通过动态地合成已有的Web服务,就无须重构单一的复杂服务,同时很好地适应电子商务环境中的多变性和动态性。

    By dynamically composing existing Web services , there 's no necessity to write complex ones from the jump , adapting well to the constant evolution of the e-commerce environment .

  14. 电子商务环境下的SWOT分析框架

    SWOT framework under E-business circumstances

  15. 本文的将问卷调查与Agent仿真建模相结合的研究方法,为研究电子商务环境下消费者的行为提供了一种新的研究思路。

    The method used in the paper that combining questionnaire survey and agent simulation modeling is a new research idea for researching consumer behavior under the electronic commerce environment .

  16. 电子商务环境下基于PKI的信任问题研究

    E-Commerce Trust Research Based on PKI

  17. 运用粒子群算法(PSO)对电子商务环境下的退货契约进行仿真计算,并进行分析研究。

    Simulating the returns contract in e-commerce using Particles Swarm Optimization , and then analyzing the results .

  18. 电子商务环境中的B2C物流配送模式研究

    Study on B2C Logistics Delivery Model Under Electronic Commerce

  19. 针对电子商务环境中Web用户的反馈信息管理,特别是恶意舆论的管理问题,文本情感分类技术具有重要的应用价值。

    With the management of feedback information , especially those malicious comments , from web user in the E-Commerce environment , the technology of sentiment classification is very useful in many applications .

  20. 本文的目的就是要通过对我国企业ERP实施存在问题的分析,找到对策,提高我国企业在电子商务环境下ERP的应用能力,提高实施的成功率,提高电子商务与ERP的集成效率。

    The aims of thesis are finding corresponding methods through analyzing the problems , and reinforcing our enterprises abilities of application of ERP under Electronic-Commerce and the succeeding ratio .

  21. 电子商务环境下LX公司的配送研究

    Distribution Research on LX Ltd. in E-commerce Environment

  22. 为了解决电子商务环境的动态性和不确定性带来的信任问题,提出一种基于多主体系统的信任模型来处理电子商务环境中Agent之间的信任关系。

    Some trust problems come into being due to the dynamic and uncertain characteristics of E-commerce . Therefore , a computational trust model based on multi-Agent ( MAS ) was proposed to deal with the trust relationship in E-commerce .

  23. 在Internet电子商务环境下,数字商品很容易被非法复制和扩散,使商家的知识产权得不到有效的保护,无疑会妨碍电子商务健康而有序的发展。

    In the environment of Internet based E commerce , digital goods are more easily copied and distributed illegally , and therefore , merchant 's intellectual property is not effectively protected . This further greatly disturbs the healthy growing of E commerce .

  24. 本文以B2B电子商务环境下的供应链为研究对象,针对传统供应链在B2B电子商务环境下产生的变化,探讨了在这个特定环境下供应链协调的机制和策略。

    This thesis discusses the coordination policies and mechanisms of supply chain under the environment of B2B E-Business in order to promote enterprises ' performance .

  25. 然后阐述了电子商务环境下供应链管理的结构和研究内容,并根据Cisco公司基于全球电子商务的供应链管理的实现进行案例分析。

    In the end the chapter has a case analyses about the SCM implement on the basis of the global EC in the Cisco Corporation .

  26. 首先根据电子商务环境下消费者需求的特点,在对多Agent技术论述的基础上,建立了基于多Agent的消费者需求代理系统。

    According to the characteristics of the consumer demands for pursuing relative product and service in the environment of electronic commerce , it has been firstly set up in the paper that the consumer demands proxy system which is based on multi-agent technology .

  27. 因此,有必要重新审视B2C合同中管辖权条款的效力,并考察电子商务环境下新的管辖权规则。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to explore the validity and enforcement of the jurisdiction clause in the contract and speculate the new jurisdiction rules in cyberspace .

  28. 提出一种在电子商务环境中Web使用挖掘模型,该模型同时考虑了用户浏览路径模式挖掘和关联规则挖掘两种情况,克服了单纯考虑一种情况所带来的缺点。

    A kind of model for Web usage mining in electronic commerce environment is proposed . The model takes user traversal path pattern mining and associational rules mining into consideration at the same time , it overcomes drawbacks caused by purely taking one case into consideration .

  29. 在电子商务环境下对CRM系统进行电子化扩展成为管理界的研究热点,并产生了ECRM。

    Under Electronic commerce environment , CRM system carries out electronic development to become the research hot point of management circle , and has produced ECRM .

  30. 本文的着眼点放在了这两个趋向的交叉点上&研究电子商务环境下的E-Service质量测度。

    The research focusing on evaluating the quality of E-Service in the electronic environment is attended to the point of intersection of these two trends .