
  • 网络universal service fund
  1. 论电信普遍服务基金的管理机制

    The administration of telecom universal service fund

  2. 运用博弈论中不完全信息静态博弈理论,对电信普遍服务基金分配机制进行了研究。

    Using the incomplete information static game theory , the telecom universal service fund allocation mechanism was studied .

  3. 根据农村通信市场的四个发展趋势,政府应加强行政监督,并应尽快建立以电信普遍服务基金为核心的补偿机制,保障村通工程的顺利推进。

    To accelerate the project , the government should strengthen administrative supervision considering the four tendencies in the rural Communication markets , as well as establish compensation mechanism mainly in the form of telecom universal service fund .

  4. 第三倡导构建公平的电信普遍服务机制,建议选择电信普遍服务基金作为我国电信普遍服务的补偿形式,探讨此制度与中国电信市场的契合性;

    Establish justice universal service system : Universal Service Fund .