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  • 网络On the ridge of a field;On the field ridge
  1. 在长满苔藓的绿色田埂上,报春花像无数闪闪的星星;

    And on mossy banks so green star-like primroses are seen ;

  2. 轮胎把泥浆甩到田埂上,使得道路无法通行。

    Tyres had thrown the mud into ridges , making the road impassable .

  3. 我们坐在田埂上休息。

    We had a rest on the ridges .

  4. 一些不知名的小花,这儿一朵,那儿一丛的洒在田埂上。

    Some unknown flowers , one here , where a cluster on the sprinkling in the ridge .

  5. 这一天,宋国人耕了很久的地,坐在田埂上休息。

    This day , Sung people Geng for a long time of ground , sit a rest on the rand .

  6. 张立山(音译)站在田埂上,侍弄着一块面积不大的蔬菜园,四周都是散发着臭味的死水沟。

    Zhang Lishan stands on a ridge of dirt tending a small vegetable garden surrounded by pools of stagnant , stinking water .

  7. 没过多久,不论男女,都是赤着脚推着小车在田埂上奔走如飞。

    Before long , all of us , male and female , could rush about with the carts on the ridge , with bare feet .

  8. 杜甫蒙受羞辱,就出城到郊外,仰躺在田埂上对天浩叹。杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县湿地生态旅游可持续发展对策的研究

    Insulted , Du Fu left the city to the outskirts and lying on the ridges of the field , poured out his sentiments towards Heaven . Study on the Wetland Eco-tourism Sustainable Development Countermeasure in Du Er Bert Mongolian National Minority Autonomous County

  9. 在那月残星稀的清晨,挎着一空篮子,顺着田埂上的小路走去拣麦穗的时候,她想的是什么呢?

    In the early hours of dawn , under a waning moon and a sprinkling of stars , what would a girl with a basket on her arm be thinking of as she walked along the ridges in the fields on her way to gather wheat stalks ?

  10. 对稻田周围田埂和路边上能寄生褐飞虱的卵寄生蜂群落的动态进行了初步的研究。

    The community dynamics of egg parasitoids that could parasitize the brown planthopper in non rice habitats such as bunds and roadside vegetation were studied .