  • urn;vat;earthen jar
  • 一种盛水或酒等的陶器:水~。酒~。菜~。~城(围绕在城门外的小城)。~牖(yǒu )绳枢(以破瓮作窗户,以草绳系户枢。形容家里穷)。

  • 姓。


(盛东西的陶器) urn; earthen jar:

  • 酒瓮

    wine jar;

  • 水瓮

    water jar;

  • 菜瓮

    a jar for pickling vegetables


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 瓮春

    Weng Chun

  1. 最后一个仆人想起了瓮里的鳗鱼。

    Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn .

  2. 这瓮看起来像是某种青铜制的。

    The urn appeared to be made of some sort of bronze .

  3. 一次,有一只老鼠忽然掉人瓮中。

    Once it so happened that a rat fell into a jar .

  4. 东家的猫急得使劲儿一跃,便从瓮里逃了出来。

    The Dong 's cat was so frightened that it exerted all its strength and made one jump out of the jar and ran away .

  5. 猫以为是什么怪物,只是在瓮口上跟着老鼠转来转去,竟然不敢下去。

    The cat didn 't know what a freak the rat was . It only followed the rat moving around on the mouth of the jar , and dared not get into it .

  6. 有一天,她推开了瓮盖,想看个究竟。

    One day she slipped off the cover and looked in .

  7. 既复杀驼,而复破瓮。

    He killed the camel and also broke the jar .

  8. 石头打在瓮上,但却没半个强盗出来。

    The stones hit the jars , but no thieves came out .

  9. 他小心地不让瓮里的水溢出来。

    He was careful to see that the jar did not overflow .

  10. 反讽,精制的瓮&毕飞宇短篇小说分析

    Irony and highly finished jars & Analyzing the short stories by Bi Fei-yu

  11. 儿童瓮7小男孩死于甲型流感笔。

    Children urn7 little boy died of influenza A.Pen .

  12. 你知道这个瓮的用途吗?

    Do you know the purpose of this urn ?

  13. 郑州市农村双瓮漏斗厕所建造与卫生质量调查

    Investigation on Quality of Construction and Sanitation of Double-urn-and-single-funel Latrines in Countryside of Zhengzhou

  14. 发掘出的酒器皿有瓶、瓮、罐、壶、碗和杯子。

    Wine utensils unearthed include jars , urns , pots , bowls and cups .

  15. 现在看来这位诗瓮所言确有几分道理。

    Now it seems there may be some truth in the bard 's words .

  16. 当老瓮融化和保险丝与护身符的神奇力量。

    When the old urn to melt and fuse with the talisman magical force .

  17. 这是一个以物理为基础的炮弹入瓮游戏。

    Catch all the cannon balls in the urn in this cool physics-based puzzle game .

  18. 则用朝朋友家投掷瓮坛瓦罐碎片的方式发出各种声响。

    throw broken pieces of jars or pots against the sides of friends ' houses .

  19. 我们无乐不作,在瓶瓶瓮瓮上画着傻气的图案,有时候还画在彼此身上。

    We joked around , painted silly things on vases , and occasionally on each other .

  20. 这只瓮出土完整无缺。

    The urn was unearthed entire .

  21. 由于这种或那种原因,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。

    What with one thing and another , everybody forgot all about the eels in the urn .

  22. 几个瓮状新古典主义风格的可爱包包(法国,1820年)甚至是用纸浆制成的。

    A couple of urn-shaped neo-classical lovelies ( French , 1820 ) are even made of papier-m ?

  23. 当时欧洲盛行的巴黎摇壶呈优雅的瓮状。

    The Parisian shaker , which was popular in Europe , was an elegant , urn-shaped variation .

  24. 选取贵州瓮福磷矿废弃土地进行生态适宜性评价。

    This paper evaluates the ecological suitability of waste land in Wengfu Phosphate Mine , Guizhou Province .

  25. 那个她熨了一生衬衫的人,那个只剩了灰烬盛在瓮中,被捧着向我们缓缓走来的人。

    whose uniform she ironed , the man whose ashes were slowly marched in front of us .

  26. 福泉磨坊磷块岩矿床是贵州瓮福磷矿的八大矿段之一。

    Mofang phosphorite deposit in Fuquan is one of the main ore blocks of Wengfu phosphorite deposit .

  27. 有比死亡更糟的惩罚,他以他瓮塞的、阴沉的嗓音说道。

    " There are punishments worse than death ," he said , in his hollow , sepulchral voice .

  28. 目的探讨菁萃荟负离子养生瓮对老龄小鼠抗氧化功能的影响。

    Objective To study the influence of JingCuihui negative ion life-cultivation urn on the antioxidation in aging mice .

  29. 当人死亡,他们被火化,并在陶器瓮或埋葬他们的财物。有人认为,死者将需要他们的财物在其未来的生活。

    When people died they were either cremated and put in a pottery urn or buried with their belongings .

  30. 介绍瓮福氟化铝装置产品煅烧/冷却系统由燃油改为燃煤的技术改造。

    The technique improvement of oil to coal burning system in aluminum fluoride burning / cooling section is presented .