
  • 网络Bivalvia;Lamellibranchia;Lamellibranchiata
  1. 标本经鉴定计有52种,其中腹足纲6科13属32种,瓣鳃纲4科11属20种。

    11 genera , 4 families of Lamellibranchia .

  2. 其中腹足纲100种、瓣鳃纲74种。

    74 species to Lamellibranchia .

  3. 瓣鳃纲5科,17属,24种。

    24 species , 17 genera , 5 families belong to Lamellibranchiata .

  4. 中国糙蚌属二新种(瓣鳃纲:蚌科)

    Two new species of freshwater mussel of the genus scabies from China ( lamellibranchia : unionidae )

  5. 其中,双神经纲4种,瓣鳃纲65种,腹足纲109种。

    Among them there are4 species of amphineura , 109 species of gestropoda , 65 species of lamellibranchia .