
  1. 不过,王冠中也表示,中国坚持和平发展的道路,在处理领土争端方面也遵守恰当的程序。

    Nevertheless , he said , China is committed to peaceful development and observes proper processes in handling territorial disputes .

  2. 王冠中表示,他原本没有打算在演讲中提出批评,但哈格尔充满霸权主义味道的讲话让他感到不得不做出回应。

    Gen Wang said he had not intended to deliver a critical speech , but felt compelled to respond to Mr Hagel whose speech was full of hegemony .

  3. 面对美国和日本不断努力在亚洲巩固新的安全关系,王冠中表示,中国既反对构建军事联盟的做法,也反对任何国家谋求垄断地区安全事务。

    In the face of mounting efforts by the US and Japan to shore up new security relationships in Asia , Gen Wang said China opposed both the practice of building military alliances and attempts by any country to dominate regional affairs .