
  • 网络Dirac matrices;dirac matrix
  1. 为什么狄拉克的方程的波函数有四个分量和狄拉克矩阵如何产生于表象理论就应该变得明朗了。

    It should become clear why the Dirac equation has four components and how the Dirac matrices arise in representation theory .

  2. 狄拉克矩阵维数唯一性的证明

    The Proof of Singleness of Dimension for Dirac 'S Matrix

  3. 根据群表示论的基本定理,对相对论量子力学中狄拉克矩阵维数的唯一性给出直接证明。

    According to the fundamental theory of group representations , a direct proof is given for the singleness of demension of Dirac 's matrix in the relativistic quantum mechanics .

  4. 对于静态势,狄拉克算子自伴随矩阵根据运用斯通定理足以求解初值问题。

    For static potentials the self-adjointness of the Dirac operator is sufficient to solve the initial value problem by Stone 's theorem .