
  • 网络Yak meat
  1. 优质牦牛肉肉质的综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Meat Quality of Fine-quality Yak Meat

  2. 产品,有牦牛肉,牛展,牛柳,牛排,牛腩。

    Products , yak meat , cattle show , Niuliu , steak , Niunan .

  3. 加工指标:犊牦牛肉的系水力、熟肉率分别为69.43%、66.84%,显著高于成年牦牛(P0.05),而失水率为20.57%,显著低于成年牦牛(P0.05)。

    Processing indicators : Calf yak meat water holding capacity , cooking loss were 69.43 % and 66.84 % respectively , significantly higher than adult yak ( P0.05 ), but the water loss rate was 20.57 % , significantly lower than the adult yak ( P0.05 ) . 6 .

  4. 牦牛肉中游离氨基酸含量的分析

    Analysis of Free Amino Acid Content in Yak Meat

  5. 牦牛肉食品茄汁牛腩的加工工艺

    Processing technics of eatable eggplant juice with yak beef

  6. 白牦牛肉成分分析及评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Components and Flavouring Substances in White Yak ′ s Meat

  7. 不同年龄牦牛肉肉质测试与分析

    Meat Quality Test and Analysis for Yak

  8. 牦牛肉软罐头开发研制

    Development of Bos Grunniens Meat Retort Pouch

  9. 天祝白牦牛肉挥发性风味成分的SPEM/GC/MS测定

    Determination of flavor substances in the meat of Tianzhu white yak by SPME coupled to GC-MS

  10. 白牦牛肉、奶是名符其实的优质蛋白质和膳食营养资源,具有独特品牌和良好的经济利用价值。

    The white yak meat and milk are really genuine nutrient resources and high value of economy .

  11. 对年龄2周岁左右的12头青海牦牛肉的食用品质及安全性指标进行了系统研究。

    The meat quality and food safety of12 Qinghai yaks at the age of2 years old were analyzed systematically .

  12. 牦牛肉的脂肪平均含量4.5%,日本牛肉平均脂肪含量8.81%。

    The average content of fat in beef of yak and Japanese cattle were 4.5 % and 8.8 % , respectively .

  13. 采用先进的微生物测定方法,对白牦牛肉乳原料及其食品进行肠道致病菌、真菌污染及其毒素残留状况分析。

    It also adopts advanced microbe assay method to mensurate pathogenic microbes and toxin pollution in meat and milk of white yak .

  14. 以上结果表明,宰后成熟工艺有利于牦牛肉风味的改善,并减少了牧草中特殊成分对牦牛肉风味的不良影响。

    Therefore , aging tend to improve overall flavour of yak meat and decrease negative impact of special component in pasture on flavour yak meat .

  15. 为了探索电子鼻对肉类掺假识别的可行性,利用电子鼻对牦牛肉、牛肉和猪肉样品进行了分析。

    In order to discuss the feasibility of meat adulteration recognition based on electronic nose , an electronic nose was used to analyze yak meat , beef and pork .

  16. 对牦牛肉乳化发酵香肠(即夏天香肠)工艺和配方进行了研究,并采用正交试验法对配方进行了探索。

    The technology and composition of emulsification and fermentation sausage ( summer sausage ) of yak meat were studied and the its composition was explored by means of orthodoxy design .

  17. 以牦牛肉为原料,经嫩化、蒸煮入味、切条、干燥等工序和调味料包配方选择及杀菌条件确定,研制出方便牦牛肉条。

    In this paper , the yak beef as raw material , through tendering , braising and cooking , cutting , drying processing , the instant yak beef stick was researched .

  18. 冷却牦牛分割肉酶嫩化技术研究

    Tenderizing technology for chilled cut yak meat by fermentation

  19. 白牦牛产肉性能及肉质测定分析

    Test and Analysis on the Producing Meat Characteristics and Meat Quality of White Yak

  20. 结果显示:①调查地区绵羊和牦牛住肉孢子虫平均感染率分别为82。

    Result showed : ① The average infectious rate of sarcocystis for Yak and sheep was82 .

  21. 白牦牛环境饲草肉奶产品食物链危害分析与安全体系研究

    Hazard Analysis and Safety System on the Food Chain of Environment-forage-yak Meat / Milk Products in Tianzhu

  22. 我们可以卖牦牛的皮、肉和毛。

    We can sell yak skin , meat and wool .