  • whence;from what place
  • hence;thereupon;consequently
  • 于是:~书其事以告。

  • 改易,更换:~田。

  • 曰,为(wéi ):“水曰润下,火曰炎上,木曰曲直,金曰从革,土~稼穑”。

  • 古代的一种重量单位或货币单位。

  • 姓。

  1. 愿与知情达理,有内涵;有共同兴趣爰好、爱生话的您成为知己朋友。

    Wish with reasonable , have a content ; Have common interest hence good , have a passion for to living words of you become bosom friend a friend .

  2. 本文对先秦史学界争论多年的“爰田”问题从新的角度进行了研究。

    This paper has made a new study on Yuantian which the Preqin-history-field has disputed for many years .

  3. 春秋时的晋“作爰田”,开创了由国家来实施大规模分户授田之先河。

    In the Spring and Autumn Periods , the Jin Kingdom practiced a unique system which started the state-controlled field distribution .

  4. 我喜爱收集古董,烹调,看电视,音乐,唱歌,游泳和最爰吃东西。

    I love to collect old valuable things , cooking , movies , music , swimming and mostly are enjoying delicious food .

  5. 从今天所能见到的秦汉时期伤情检验的实例及司法爰书中可以看出,当时的法医检验已总结出了致命伤的概念,并对生活反应原理有所认识。

    From today we can see Qin Han injure administration of justice and the example of types inspection in period can find out , then coroner inspects have summarized the concept of fatal wound , and know for " principle of alive body reaction " .
