
  1. 跟肉铺老板要煲汤用的骨头(最好是髓骨)。

    Ask the butcher for soup bones ( marrow bones are best ) .

  2. 20世纪80年代,米歇尔·谭(MichelleTam)在加利福尼亚州门洛帕克长大,那时她家每晚都煲汤。

    When Michelle Tam was growing up in Menlo Park , Calif. , in the 1980s , her family sipped broth with dinner every single night .

  3. 在煲汤的时候也可以采用同样的策略。

    Try the same strategy with homemade soups .

  4. 除非你是想用来煲汤。

    Unless you want to make soup .

  5. 广东肉骨茶因为当地特有的煲汤文化,加入了一些中药材,因此带有浓厚的药材味道。

    The Cantonese , with soup-drinking culture , add medicinal herbs to create a stronger flavoured soup .

  6. 汤羹也很健康,不足之处是煲汤的过程会降低一些营养成分的价值。

    Many soups are very healthy , but the cooking process can diminish some of the ingredients'nutritional value .

  7. 呀呀,哎,不过最可惜的是&又要浪费我的一只老母鸡给煲汤了!

    Ah ah , ah , however regrettable BE-again want waste one of my old hen give make soup !

  8. 但是,用枸杞泡水或煲汤时,其中的药效并不能完全发挥出来。

    But , with Chinese wolfberry bubble water or soup , including the efficacy and cannot be brought into full play .

  9. 我们的厨师长早已经为您准备好了各类煲汤,一定会有一种适合您的口味。

    Our chef has put together a whole list of medicinal soups and there is bound to be one , that you like .

  10. 过去,她经常购买耐储存的汤冻,用来煲汤或炖菜,还认为这种有机食品是自制高汤的优良替代品。

    She used to grab a box of shelf-stable stock when making soup or stew , figuring that organic was a good substitute for homemade .

  11. 猪和鸡是我国养殖产量最大的两个品种和常用的煲汤原料,但对其烹制和营养特征的研究很少。

    Pork and chicken are common materials for soup , but there are little research data or achievement on the cooking conditions and nutritional properties .

  12. 中医很早就有“枸杞养生”的说法,很多人在生活中也喜欢用它泡水、煲汤或煮粥。

    Chinese wolfberry is " very early health ", a lot of people in the life also likes to use its bubble water , boil soup or porridge .

  13. 舒服地做顿佳肴寒冷的天气需要美食的慰藉,幸运的是,煲汤这个极佳的约会点子对烹饪技巧的要求并不高。

    Comfort cooking Cold weather calls for comfort food and , luckily , making soup can be a great date idea that doesn 't require much culinary skill .

  14. 与新鲜的小枝欧芹和月桂树叶一起,麝香草被纳入叫花束饰菜的法国香草混合物中,用来做季节性原料,炖菜和煲汤。

    Along with fresh sprigs of parsley and bay leaves , thyme is included in the French combination of herbs called bouquet garni used to season stock , stews and soups .

  15. 书中详尽阐述了自酿啤酒的流程,这也是应该的。自酿啤酒的方式“可以像用罐煲汤那么简单,也可以像小规模的商业工艺酿造那么富有技术性”。

    Homebrewing a process that " can be as simple as making soup from a can or as technically involved as small-scale commercial craft brewing " is covered in detail , as well it should .

  16. 消化系统疾病的发生与饮食的温度有关系,喜食温热食物和选择蒸煮、煲汤的烹调方式是消化系统的保护因素;

    There is the relationship between the occurrence of disease of digestive system and the temperature of food . Liking eating warm food and choosing the cook manner are the protection factor of digestive system .

  17. 煲汤很容易,弄些新鲜、多肉的骨头最好含有关节、脖子或其他软骨然后加水没过骨头,耐心地用小火炖,直至你觉得汤尝起来很美味。

    Making one is as easy as getting your hands on fresh , meaty bones preferably including some knuckles or necks or another cartilaginous part then covering them with water and simmering them patiently until the broth tastes good to you .

  18. 煲汤很容易,弄些新鲜、多肉的骨头——最好含有关节、脖子或其他软骨——然后加水没过骨头,耐心地用小火炖,直至你觉得汤尝起来很美味。

    Making one is as easy as getting your hands on fresh , meaty bones - preferably including some knuckles or necks or another cartilaginous part - then covering them with water and simmering them patiently until the broth tastes good to you .
