
  • 网络bingling temple;Bingling Monastery
  1. 炳灵寺石窟加固工程评价

    Assessment of the Reinforcing Project in Bingling Temple

  2. 永靖地区有精美的炳灵寺石窟艺术,多彩的古生物化石,多彩的彩陶文物等,这些都为永靖傩文化的产生、发展创造了优良的文化环境和有利条件。

    The fine Bingling temple grotto art , abundant fossils , and the colorful pottery artifacts create a good cultural environment and favorable conditions for the emergence and development of Nuo culture in Yongjing .

  3. 佛教艺术传播的统一性&麦积山、炳灵寺早期造像的比较

    Unity of Buddhism Art Propagation Against Unity

  4. 炳灵寺石窟唐永隆二年诸龛简论主要景点有唐代的宝塔树,兴国寺,九,文昌庙,舜寺和石佛头。

    The main scenic spots include pagoda-tree of the Tang Dynasty , Xingguo Temple , Nine Spots Terrace , Wenchang Temple , Shun Temple and Stone Buddhist Head .