
zhì ɡān cǎo tānɡ
  • Decoction of Prepared Licorice
  1. 目的:观察炙甘草汤对冠心病经皮冠状动脉球囊成形术(PTCA)术后心律失常变化的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of Zhigancao soup after percutaneous coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) arrhythmia change .

  2. 结论:炙甘草汤抗PTCA术后心律失常的作用机制可能与抗血小板活化、保护内皮细胞有关。

    Conclusion : Mechanism of Zhigancao soup treating arrhythmia cordis might relate to the fact that resist the blood platelet and activate , protect endothelial cells after PTCA .

  3. 目的:探讨重组炙甘草汤配合小剂量糖皮质激素(简称激素)治疗特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)的临床价值。

    To explore the clinical effect of recombinant roasted licorice decoction ( RRLD ) combined with low dose glucocorticoids ( GC ) in treating idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ( ITP ) .

  4. 目的:观察加味炙甘草汤注射液对窦房结功能损伤(SND)兔电生理的影响,探讨加味炙甘草汤注射液治疗病态窦房结综合征(病窦征)的临床疗效和机制。

    Objective : To observe the electrophysiological and clinical effects of honeyed glycyrrhiza compound decoction ( HGCD ) injection on sick sinus syndrome ( SSS ), and to explore their effect mechanism .

  5. 炙甘草汤(10、20、30g生药/kg,ig)明显延迟触发活动的发生,降低触发活动的幅度和发生率,并提高触发性心肌细胞Na+,K+-ATP酶活性。

    ZGCD ( 10,20,30 g · kg-1 , ig ) postponed the occurrence of the TA and decreased the ample and the incidence of the TA obviously . It also increased the activity of Na + , K + - ATPase in the triggered cardiac myocytes .

  6. 应用加味炙甘草汤后心房有效不应期(AERP)和房室传导有效不应期(AVERP)与用药前无显著性差异,房室传导文氏阻滞周长(AWBCL)用药后显著缩短(P<0.05)。

    There was no significance of atrial effective refractory period ( AERP ) and atrial ventricular effective refractory period ( AVERP ) before and after treatment , and atrioventricular Wenckebach ′ s block cycle length ( AWBCL ) significantly decreased after treatment ( P < 0 05 ) .

  7. 观察炙甘草汤加味治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。

    Modified Prepared Gancao Decoction was applied in treating45cases of viral myocarditis .

  8. 炙甘草汤加味治疗老年性慢性便秘35例

    35 Cases of Senile Chronic Constipation Treated by Modification of Prepared Licorice Decoction

  9. 炙甘草汤主要有效成分对心肌生理特性的影响

    Studies on effect of main active principles in ZHIGANCAO DECOCTION on myocardial electrophysiology

  10. 炙甘草汤临床应用及研究进展

    Clinical Application and Study Progress on Fried Glycyrrhizae Decoction

  11. 炙甘草汤对大鼠气血两虚型心律失常及免疫系统的影响

    Effects of Zhi Gancao Decoction on Arrhythmia and Immune System in Rats with Syndrome of Qi and Blood Deficiency

  12. 重组炙甘草汤配合小剂量糖皮质激素治疗特发性血小板减少性紫癜的临床观察

    Clinical Study on Effect of Recombinant Roasted Licorice Decoction Combined with Low Dose Glucocorticoids in Treating Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

  13. 目的:探讨炙甘草汤对豚鼠心室肌动作电位的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of Zhigancao Decoction on the action potential of isolated guinea pig papillary muscle .

  14. 炙甘草汤对哇巴因所致心肌细胞触发活动及Na~+,K~+-ATP酶活性的影响

    Effects of Zhigancao Decoction on Ouabain-induced Myocardial Cell Triggered Activity and Na ~ + , K ~ + - ATPase Activities

  15. 炙甘草汤含药血清对正常家兔离体主动脉环作用的研究

    Study on the Effect of the Pastille Serum of Prepared Radix Glycyrrhizae Decoction on the Isolated Aortic Rings of Normal Rabbits

  16. 目的观察加味炙甘草汤治疗室性早搏的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of modified Roast Radix Glycyrrhizae Decoction on patients with premature ventricular complexes ( PVCs ) .

  17. 炙甘草汤对再障模型小鼠骨髓造血组织影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Influence of Zhi Gancao Decoction on the Bone Marrow 's Hemotopoietic Tissue of Modelled Rats With Aplastic Anemia

  18. 结果:(1)用20mg/ml的炙甘草汤灌流后与正常对照组相比细胞电生理变化不明显;

    Results : ( 1 ) For the ventricle muscle cell of rats perfused with 20mg / ml Zhigancao Decoction , electrophysiology had no changes compared with control .

  19. 失眠已逐步成为全球性的健康问题。在本课题研究中,对炙甘草汤通过治疗心悸以治疗失眠作了初步探讨。

    In this research , we discuss the the treatment of insomnia by means of the treatment of palpitation with Zhi Gan Cao Tang the prepared licorice decoction .

  20. 结论:本法简便、快速、灵敏而准确,适用于兔灌胃炙甘草汤后血清中甘草次酸的测定。

    Conclusion : The method is rapid and sensitive , it can be used to detect the blood serum concentration of glycyrrhetinic acid in rabbit after oral Zhi Gancao Decoction .

  21. 通过临床观察可以看出,古老的炙甘草汤在治疗失眠方面具有一定的潜力,应该在将来作进一步的研究。

    Through the clinical observation , it is clear that classical Zhi Gan Cao Tang has certain potential in the treatment of insomnia and this should be studied further in the future .

  22. 结论:炙甘草汤能缩短豚鼠心室肌细胞动作电位时程及50%、90%复极化时间。

    Conclusion : Zhigancao Decoction makes the ventricle muscle cell of rats ' date action potentials ( APD ) and 50 % 、 90 % of duration of action potential ( APD50 and APD90 ) decrease .

  23. 从张仲景炙甘草汤的原意,以及炙甘草汤所体现的治法、临床应用等方面,对炙甘草汤的病因病机及主治证进行探讨。

    In this article , the pathogen and pathogenesis and the major function of grilled glycyrrhizae decoction were discussed from the original intention of Zhang Zhongjing who created this formula , the therapeutic method embodied by it , its clinical use and etc.

  24. 通过对213篇与炙甘草汤相关的文献研究显示,临床报道中本方以治疗心律失常为主,亦用于治疗白细胞减少症、小儿迁延性腹泻、老年性慢性便秘等病症,均有较好疗效。

    Through studying 213 papers correlated with Fried Glycyrrhizae Decoction , the result indicated the formula was mainly applied in treating cardiac arrhythmia in clinical report , also treating leucopenia , infantile persisting diarrhea , old chronic astriction and so on , all with good therapeutic effect .
