
  • 网络Grey Kangaroo;Eastern Grey Kangaroos;Gray kangaroo
  1. 他们真的够幸运,能发现东部灰袋鼠妈妈和她的孩子。

    And they were lucky enough to find this eastern grey kangaroo female with her offspring .

  2. 当晚,我们头顶着南十字星徒步旅行,看到五、六只大灰袋鼠以树丛为食。

    On our night walkabout underneath the Southern Cross , we saw a half-dozen big gray kangaroos feeding on brush .

  3. 尖峰石阵位于南邦国家公园,高出沙地好几米,是灰袋鼠,鸸鹋和许多爬行动物的乐土。

    The Pinnacles rise several meters out of the sand in the Nambung National Park , which is home to grey kangaroos , emus and reptiles .

  4. 有些袋鼠,比如一些树袋鼠,也是我最喜欢的那种,现在正濒临灭绝;但另外一些种类,比如红袋鼠和灰袋鼠,现在因繁殖过多而被当成祸害。

    Some , such as several tree kangaroos , my particular favourite , are threatened with survival , but others , like the grey and red kangaroos , have flourished and are now considered to be pests .