
  • 网络Tongguan county
  1. 潼关县地处陕西省关中平原东端,居秦、晋、豫三省交界处,是陕西的东部门户。

    Tongguan County town is located in the eastern end of the Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi Province , which is also the junction of three provinces & Qin , Jin and Yu .

  2. 潼关属今陕西省渭南市潼关县的港口镇,位于陕西、山西、河南三省的交界处,素有鸡鸣闻三省之说。

    Tongguan is a port town in Weinan City , Shaanxi Province , which is located at the junction of Shaanxi , Shanxi and Henan provinces , known as " cock asked the three provinces " .