
  1. 2007年,潘文伟考入中大地理科学与规划学院。

    In 2007 Pan entered the School of Geography and Planning .

  2. 今年9月,潘文伟才升大三,不过经过短短两年的打拼,他的总资产已有近300万元。

    After just two years , his financial assets now stood at 3 , 000,000 RMB .

  3. 据了解,潘文伟目前正忙着做男版“杜拉拉”,写一本介绍创业经验的书。

    Reports say that at present Pan is writing a book which shares his experience starting up a business .

  4. 2007年底,学校公开招投标一些院系的院服订做项目,潘文伟看到了商机。

    At the end of that year , Pan saw a commercial opportunity . The school put out its college uniform to private tender .