
yān miè
  • annihilate;bury in oblivion;perish;submerge
湮灭 [yān miè]
  • [bury in oblivion;annihilate] 埋没;磨灭

  • 湮灭而不称者,不可胜数。--司马相如《封禅文》

湮灭[yān miè]
  1. 结果表明,核束缚能在小x区域对反应截面中湮灭项和康普顿散射项及K因子的影响明显,并且能量越低这种影响越显著,随着x2增大影响逐渐消失。

    The outcome indicates that the effect of nuclear binding energy on the annihilate term and the Compton term is marked in little x region and the effect will become more obvious with decrease of the energy and come to disappear with increase of the x.

  2. 要知道,在强也能湮灭在岁月无痕中。

    Should know that the strong can annihilate Seamless in the years to come .

  3. 她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。

    Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced .

  4. 《湮灭》AnnihilationX区发生了什么?

    What is happening at Area X ?

  5. e~+e~-湮灭与大横动量P⊥分布

    E ~ + e ~ - annihilation and the large transverse momentum P _ ⊥ distribution

  6. 非简谐振子湮灭算符高次幂b-~N本征态的量子统计性质

    Quantum Statistic Properties of the Eigenstates of the Annihilation Operator b N - of a Non harmonic Oscillator

  7. 微扰QCD方法计算B介子纯湮灭图衰变

    Calculation Pure Annihilation Type Decay of B Meson in Perturbative QCD

  8. 目前存在的Gamma射线吸收机制的讨论比较粗糙。文章试图深入讨论一种重要的吸收:湮灭反应。

    At present the mechanism of Gamma-ray radiation is still relatively rough .

  9. 证据。disposeevidence就是「湮灭证据」没有证据证明比尔偷了那些钱。

    evidence ( n. ) There is no evidence to prove that Bill stole the money .

  10. 掺La的PbTiO3压电陶瓷中Pb空位的正电子湮灭研究

    Study of Pb vacancies in the piezoelectric ceramics PbTiO_3 doped with La by positron annihilation

  11. PET是根据正电子湮灭辐射原理,利用符合探测技术检测正电子药物的分布情况,采集的信息通过计算机处理后显示出靶器官的断层图像并给出定量生理参数的核医学设备。

    PET is a nuclear medical equipment which can get traverse image and quantitative parameter , and according to the principle of annihilation coincidence detection .

  12. 这两种B-藻红蛋白在相同光强激发下,表现出不同的单重态一单重态激子湮灭过程,主要因它们处于激发态的发色团数目不同所致。

    The differences of the singlet-singlet exciton annihilation Processes between the two R-phycoerythrins are mainly due to the different amounts of the chromophores in their excited states nuder the same excitation condition .

  13. 湮灭算符任意次幂本征态的Wigner函数串操作符;串算符;串运算符;字符串运算符

    Wigner Functions for Eigenstates of Arbitrary Power of Annihilation Operators string operator

  14. 理想正电子湮灭寿命谱解析程序DPSⅠ

    Analysis Program DPS ⅰ for Simple Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectrum

  15. 在对PS和PP熔体进行流变分析和采用正电子湮灭、红外二向色性、GPC及热分析等方法对其凝聚态分子结构进行表征的基础上提出了超声辐照对聚合物熔体的降粘机理。

    The molecular conformation and structure of the polymers were analyzed by positron annihilation , infrared dichroism , GPC and thermal analysis , etc.

  16. 本文研究了非简谐振子湮灭算符高次幂bN-(N≥2)本征态的量子统计性质。

    Quantum statistic properties of the eigenstates of the annihilation operator b N - ( N ≥ 2 ) of an non harmonic oscillator are studied .

  17. 形变Ni3Mn合金的磁学和正电子湮灭谱学研究

    Magnetism and positron annihilation spectroscopy study of deformed Ni_3Mn Alloy

  18. 探讨了影响三重态正子素(OPs)在有机液体中的湮灭速率的若干因素,导出了有关OPs寿命的简单经验公式。

    Several factors which affect O Ps annihilation rate in Organic liquids have been discussed . A simple empirical formula about O Ps lifetime has been derived .

  19. 对于大数值孔径空心-高斯光束而言,光束阶数n也会影响位相奇点的分布,例如,在位相奇点的产生和湮灭过程,焦面上最里面的n个位相奇点不会消失。

    For high NA dark-hollow Gaussian beams the beam order n additionally affects the spatial distribution of phase singularities , for example , the innermost n singularities in focal plane do not disappear in the creation and annihilation process .

  20. 本文详细分析了文献[1]给出的夸克组合律在解释e~+e~-湮灭成两喷注过程中BB关联的优缺点。

    We analyse in detail the advantage and disadvantage of the Quark Combination Rule in the explanation of BB correlations .

  21. 正电子发射断层(PET)是一项强大的医学影像技术,它通过检测正电子-电子湮灭所产生的光子以确定正电子放射性物质的体内分布。

    Positron emission tomography ( PET ) is a powerful medical imaging method for measuring the distribution of the positron emitter in the human body by co-incidence of the annihilation photons resulting from positron decay .

  22. 光子感应正电子湮灭探伤技术(PIPA)是一种新的NDT探测方法,它可以探测到可能出现缺陷的薄弱区域。

    Photon Induced Positron Annihilation ( PIPA ) is a new non-destructive test method that can detect weakened areas where flaws can develop .

  23. 由于化合物半导体在制备高温、高频、大功率和抗辐射IC器件中极具潜力,因此人们越来越多的利用正电子湮灭技术对化合物半导体进行缺陷研究。

    Since compound semiconductor has potentially numerous applications in high temperature , radiation hard , and high power IC device , the study of defects in compound semiconductors has been increasing using positron annihilation technique .

  24. 块状LaNi5基纳米合金的正电子湮灭研究

    Positron Annihilation Research of Bulk LaNi_5 Based Nanometer Alloys

  25. 用正电子湮灭技术对MgH2和AlH3键型的探讨

    The study of the bond type in MgH_2 and A1H_3 by positron annihilation

  26. 用正电子湮灭寿命谱(PALS)法,研究了N-烷基化壳聚糖膜的自由体积。

    By the positron annihilation life spectrum ( PALS ) technique , the free volumes of chitosan and its N alkyl derivatives membranes were measured .

  27. Drell-Yan过程可类比轻子对湮灭过程简单计算。

    It can be simply calculated to the Drell-Yan Process similar to the annihilation process of lepton pair .

  28. 宇宙射线中Neutralino湮灭生成的反质子谱的计算

    Computation of Cosmic Ray Antiproton Spectrum from Neutralino Annihilation

  29. 正电子对ZnO和GaN宽带隙半导体中缺陷的研究用正电子湮灭技术对MgH2和AlH3键型的探讨

    The Study on Defects in ZnO and GaN Wide Band Gap Semiconductors Using Positron Annihilation Techniques The study of the bond type in MgH_2 and A1H_3 by positron annihilation

  30. 与非相对论近似的结果比较,能级位置的修正△E1最大可达几十个MeV,湮灭宽度的修正△E2最大可达十几个MeV。

    Comparing it with the result of non-relativistic approximation , the maximum correction of position of energy level Δ E_1 is several tens MeV , the maximum correction of annihilated width Δ E_2 , is about more than ten MeV .