
  • 网络warming Spleen;warm the spleen
  1. A组采用温脾汤,B组采用金匮肾气丸(汤),两组均以3周为一疗程,观察两个疗程。

    Treat A group with Warming Spleen Decoction , treat B group with Kidney-Qi Bolus and observe for two periods that 3 weeks is a period .

  2. 温脾汤对大鼠残余肾组织中核转录因子-κB/IκB表达的影响

    Influence of Wenpi Decoction on NF - κ B / I κ B expression in residual kidney of rat

  3. 温脾阳方药对脾虚大鼠各组织MAPK活性存在不同的影响作用。

    The herbs for replenishing spleen-Yang have different effects on the MAPK activity in different tissues , which perhaps is one of the effective mechanism .

  4. 进一步的研究表明,温脾汤药物血清能够增加系膜细胞G1期细胞百分数,降低S期细胞百分数,表明药物作用可使细胞分裂停滞在S期。

    Further research showed that the percent of cells in G1 cycle was increased and the percent of cells in S cycle was decreased by Wenpitang Pharmacologic Serum .

  5. 目的观察温脾汤对大鼠血清肌酐、尿素氮及24h尿蛋白的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of Wenpi Decoction ( WD ) on the levels of serum creatinine , BUN , and 24 hour urine protein in the rats with 5 / 6 nephrectomy .

  6. 结论:温脾汤能更好地促进EGF含量的增加,即温下法比温涩法能更好地通过肠黏膜保护作用机制,减轻UC黏膜的损伤和炎症。

    Conclusion : Wen Pi Decoction improve content of EGF in contrast of Zhenren Yang Zang Decoction , so the method of warming purgation relieve damage and inflammation of UC by protecting intestinal mucosa more than the method of warming antidiarrheal .

  7. 温脾通络开窍法治疗老年性痴呆的临床体会

    Clinical Experience in Alzheimer ′ s Disease Treated by Spleen-warming Collaterals-activating and Orifices-openning Therapy

  8. 温脾汤治疗大鼠慢性肾衰脂代谢变化的实验研究

    The Observation about The Metabolism Changes on Chronic Renal Failure in Rats by the Therapy of Wenpi Tang

  9. 目的观察温脾润肠汤治疗慢传输性便秘的临床疗效。

    To observe the clinical efficacy of " Wenpi Runchang Decoction " in the treatment of slow transit constipation .

  10. 温脾汤对5/6肾切除大鼠残余肾脏影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Effects of Wenpi Decoction on the Residual Kidney in the Rats with 5 / 6 Nephrectomy

  11. 目的:探讨温脾汤药物血清对原代培养大鼠系膜细胞增殖的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of Wenpitang pharmacologic serum on proliferation of mesangial cells of rats in vitro .

  12. 前言:目的:研究温脾汤中诸药的不同组合及煎法对乌头碱含量的影响。

    Objective : To study the influence of different herb composition and decocting processes on the content of aconitine in Wenpitang .

  13. 目的:探讨温脾汤对5/6肾切除大鼠残余肾脏功能和形态学的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the effect of wenpi tang on the function and morphology of remnant kidney of rats after 5 / 6 renal ablation .

  14. 温脾汤可能是临床延缓慢性肾衰竭进展的有效方药。温中健脾汤治疗消化性溃疡远期疗效观察

    Wenpi decoction is an effective agent for delaying the progression of chronic renal failure . Long-term Curative Effect Observation of Peptic Ulcer Patients Treated by Decoction of Warming Middle Invigorating Spleen

  15. 益气健脾、补肾活血汤治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究温脾汤可能是临床延缓慢性肾衰竭进展的有效方药。

    Chinese herbal liquor with nourishing qi to invigorate spleen and invigorating the kidney and promoting blood circulation for diabetic nephropathy Wenpi decoction is an effective agent for delaying the progression of chronic renal failure .

  16. 温补脾肾方能提高白蛋白和降低ALT及AST。

    WSK recipe could raise Alb , and lower ALT and AST .

  17. 温补脾肾活血法为主治疗小儿PNS的近期疗效肯定,对提升患儿血清白蛋白优于强的松对照组。

    Pryetic tonification of spleen and kidney-based treatment of children with PNS has apparent early effect , and is superior to prednisolone in enhancing the serum albumin in children .

  18. 央宗三宝液温补脾肾延缓衰老作用的近期疗效观察

    Observation of the shortterm Curative of Yang Zong San Bao Liquid by Warm and Replenishing Spleen and Kidney Deficiency and Postpone the Process of Senility

  19. 目的:探讨温补脾肾法治疗肠易激综合征脾肾阳虚证的临床疗效及机理。

    Objective : To explor the therapeutic effect and mechanism of warming and tonifying the spleen and kidney in treating Deficiency of spleen yang and kidney yang Syndrome of Irritable bowel Syndrome , IBS .

  20. 本病中医治疗重在温补脾肾,益气温阳同时予以温化痰湿,活血化瘀。

    Chinese medicine treatment for this disease lies in warming spleen and kidney , nourishing qi and warming yang , at the same time of warming and resolving phlegm-damp , activating blood to eliminate stasis .

  21. 温肾暖脾,涩肠止泻。

    To warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea .

  22. 四神丸亦非仅温肾暖脾,且有抑肝、折木之功。

    Sishen pill was both warming the kidney and the spleen and restricting the liver as well .

  23. 只是到了疾病后期,阴阳两虚的情况下,才会采用温补肾阳、脾阳等方法治疗。

    Only in the late disease , deficiency of yin and Yang of the two cases , only by Ton if ying Kidney Yang , Spleen Yang therapy .