
  • 网络Shenzhen Art Museum
  1. 2004年参加“居住在成都&中国当代艺术油画邀请展”,深圳美术馆、成都美术馆,中国;

    2004 " Living in Chengdu-Inviting Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting ", Shenzhen Art Museum , China ;

  2. “墨非墨”&中国当代水墨邀请展(深圳美术馆、费城美术馆、今日美术馆);

    Ink Not The Ink : The Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition , Shenzhen Museum of Art & Philadelphia Museum of Art , Today Art Museum Beijing .

  3. 作品被文化部、中央美术学院、深圳画院、郑州美术馆、德国基金会及众多私人收藏家收藏。

    Her works have been collected by cafa , Deusch foundation , China Ministry of culture , Art Museum of Henan province , Shengzhen painting academy and numerous private collectors .