
  • 网络Shenzhen Happy Valley
  1. 近几年深圳欢乐谷吸引了越来越多的国内外游客。

    In recent years the Shenzhen happy valley has attracted more and more domestic and foreign tourists .

  2. 同时,应用所产生的评价体系,对深圳欢乐谷二期工程项目进行了详细的后评价。

    At last the appraisal systems to do the post-evaluation of the second stage project of the happy valley in Shenzhen in detail .

  3. 深圳欢乐谷中心剧场膜结构穹顶

    The membrane structure dome of Shenzhen central joy amphitheater

  4. 系统介绍迪士尼乐园主题分区及发展模式,剖析深圳欢乐谷及北京环球嘉年华的景观情节积累过程。

    The paper will also introduce the theme dividual parts and development methodin Disneyland by the numbers along with the accumulating process of landscapescenario in Happyvalley of Shenzhen and Carnival in peking .