
wō chóng
  • turbellarian worm;turbellarian;planaria
涡虫 [wō chóng]
  • [turbellarian worm] 一种扁形动物,身上有纤毛,口位于腹面的中心,有管状内质的吻。一般生活在流水中

涡虫[wō chóng]
  1. 适于涡虫基因组DNA快速制备的改良的CTAB法

    Improved CTAB Method Suitable for Extracting Genomic DNA from Planaria

  2. 根据比较结果,我们认为改良的CTAB法最适合于涡虫基因组DNA的快速制备,为涡虫的分子生物学研究打下了基础。

    The extracted genomic DNA was tested and compared and indicated that the improved CTAB method was suitable for extracting genomic DNA from the planaria . Our study provided a foundation for the molecular research in planaria .

  3. 3种提取淡水涡虫基因组DNA方法比较

    Comparision of Three Kinds of Genomic DNA Extraction for Freshwater Planarians

  4. 结果表明,三角涡虫的咽部具有NOS分布,在神经系统中未发现NOS分布。

    The result indicated that the NOS was localized in pharynx only and not found in central nervous system .

  5. 5-HT能调节肠道的消化吸收等生理活动,或者辅助神经系统对涡虫的摄食、消化和吸收进行调控。

    5-HT can regulate the activities such as digesting , and help the neural system to take , digest and absorb food .

  6. 5-HT免疫活性内分泌细胞在涡虫体内有少量的发现,主要分布在肠道周围的实质组织中。

    A small quantity of 5-HT immune active endocrine cells are found in planarian , mainly distribute in parenchyma around the gut .

  7. 研究了光强度、温度变化、食物种类、饥饿程度以及破坏耳突对日本三角涡虫(Dugesiajaponica)涡虫摄食行为的影响。

    The effects of light , temperature , food , starvation and destruction of auricle on Dugesia japonica feeding behaviors were studied .

  8. 下一步工作是弄清涡虫中编码这种蛋白的基因是否对其它生物体干细胞有同样作用,并找到这个蛋白的可能的RNA靶。

    " The next steps are to see if the gene that makes this protein in planarians plays a similar role in stem cells in other organisms and to identify possible RNA targets of this protein ," Newmark said .

  9. 小型底栖生物总丰度在季节之间差异显著(One-wayAnova,p0.01).涡虫、缓步动物丰度的季节变化规律与小型底栖动物总丰度相同,水螅、轮虫的丰度也是秋季最高。

    Abundance was highest in autumn and summer , and lowest in winter . There was significant difference among seasons ( One-Way ANOVA , p0.01 ) . Seasonal variation of abundance of Turbellaria and Tardigrada was the same as total meiofauna abundance .

  10. 用昆虫针在涡虫对称线上的咽前部、咽和咽后部垂直刺穿后收针,术后12h针伤愈合;

    By using an insect needle , poke a vertical hole in the front , central and back part of the pharynx a-long the symmetrical line of a dugesia japonica , 12 hours later , the wounds are recovered .

  11. 几种家用洗涤剂对涡虫的急性毒性实验

    Test on Acute Toxicity of Several Domestic Detergent on Dugesia Japonica

  12. 酸碱度变化对日本三角涡虫生存及再生的影响

    Effect on Existing and Regeneration of Dugesia Japonica by Potential Hydrogen Changes

  13. 然后他们把每个涡虫切成小块。

    Then they amputated a small piece from each flatworm .

  14. 淡水三角涡虫不同发育时期三种抗氧化酶的研究

    Three Antioxidant Enzymes in Different Developmental Stages of Dugesia japonica

  15. 经实验观察1个卵囊最多能孵出涡虫幼体10条,最少3条。

    Every oocyst could hatch 3 larvae at least and 10 at most .

  16. 涡虫眼点再生相关基因的实时表达与眼点形态发生之间存在一定的对应关系。

    The corresponding relationship existed between eyespots morphogenesis and quantitative expression of these genes .

  17. 把涡虫切成多块,结果每块都能长成一个完整的涡虫。

    Chop one into pieces , and each piece can grow into a complete planarian .

  18. 扁形虫(涡虫是一种扁形虫)要靠大量的干细胞才能完成这种非凡的技艺;

    The flatworm relies upon a population of stem cells to accomplish this remarkable feat ;

  19. 结果表明涡虫对酸碱环境的耐受力较强。

    The results show that the Dugesia japonica has strong receivable ability of pH changes .

  20. 涡虫再生过程中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶变化分析

    Change of Lactate Dehydrogenase During Planarian Regeneration

  21. 日本三角涡虫摄食行为的影响因素

    The factors influencing Dugesia japonica feeding behaviors

  22. 本文就涡虫干细胞方面的研究进展作一简要介绍。

    Advances in the study of stem cells in planarians are summered in this paper .

  23. 真涡虫的采集和培养是实验教学及工作人员的基本工作。

    Its collection and cultivation is basic work of clerks engaged in the experiment and teaching .

  24. 河南省铜山湖淡水三角涡虫核型研究

    Karyotype Study on the Freshwater Planarian ( Dugesia sp. ) in Tongshan Lake of Henan Province

  25. 温度对涡虫再生的影响

    Temperatures Effect for Turbellarians Regeneration

  26. 提出涡虫的再生能力与其生殖方式密切相关。

    It is stated that the ability of reproduction is related closely related to the style of procreation .

  27. 真涡虫是一种扁虫,一种可以被认为是动物的最低级生命形式。

    A planarian is a flatworm , one of the lowest life-forms that can be considered an animal .

  28. 虽然这一技术看得不那么清楚,不过,在自然当中,扁形涡虫同样没有明亮的眼睛,却依然能够很好地观察世界。

    After all , the flatworm planaria does just fine with eyes that are arguably not as good .

  29. 涡虫是一种淡水扁形动物,以其再生能力而出名。

    Planarians are a type of freshwater flatworm , which is an animal notable for its ability to regenerate .

  30. 两周以后,涡虫长出了失去的脑袋,但是保留了忍耐明亮的习惯。

    Two weeks later the worms had regenerated their missing noggins , but retained the learned tolerance to brightness .