
  • 网络hydrographic surveying;hydrographic survey;hydrography
  1. 通过对所提方法有效性的验证,说明了这些方法在海道测量的相关应用中是可行的。

    Through the test of these methods , it is shown that they can be used in hydrographic surveying accordingly .

  2. 多波束测深系统的异常值是影响海道测量成果准确性、海底地形生成精度的主要因素。

    The outliers of Multibeam Echosounder System are major factors influencing the accuracy of hydrography and seabed terrains production .

  3. 浅析海道测量地理信息标准IHOS-100

    Analysis of geographic information standards Hydrographic IHO S-100

  4. S-57作为IHO数字化海道测量数据传输标准,旨在规范各国海道测量部门用于传输的数字海道数据。

    As transfer standard for digital hydrographic data , S-57 is a norm of various countries seaway measure department use for digital seaway datum that transmits .

  5. 海道测量中潮流观测数据的垂向建模分析方法研究

    Research on the modeling method of tidal current in hydrographic survey

  6. 南海潮汐数值预报及其在海道测量中的应用

    Tidal Numerical Forecasting of South China Sea and its Application in Hydrography

  7. 用于分离海道测量时间序列信号中系统误差的新方法

    A New Method of Separating Systematic Errors from Hydrographic Time Series Data

  8. 海道测量部负责进行海道测量和制作兼备中、英文的海图。

    The Hydrographic Office carries out hydrographic surveys and produces bilingual nautical charts .

  9. 分离海道测量时间序列数据中的系统误差是测量数据处理的一项重要工作。

    It is important to separate systematic errors from hydrographic time series data .

  10. 海道测量和海图绘制工作,均按照国际海道测量组织所订标准进行。

    Hydrographic surveys and nautical charts follow the standards set by the IHO .

  11. 海道测量异常定位数据的实时检测技术研究

    Real-time Detection of Abnomal Positioning Data for Hydrographic Survey

  12. 海道测量水位控制方法研究

    A study of water level control for hydrographic survey

  13. 海道测量船测深仪的回波丢失问题

    The problem about echo loss of the depth sounder of the survey ship

  14. 海道测量潮汐计算与应用

    The Prediction and Application System of Tides in Hydrography

  15. 海道测量数据库备份和恢复方案选择

    The Choice of Hydrographical Database Backup and Recovery Scheme

  16. 开展国际海道测量师培训有关问题的探讨

    Approach to the Training of the International Channel Surveyors

  17. 海道测量船质心位置的动态确定方法研究

    A method for dynamic determination of the barycenter of surveying vessel in hydrographic survey

  18. 海道测量基准面传递的数学模型

    Mathematical Models for Hydrographic Datum Transfer

  19. GB12327-1998海道测量规范

    Specifications for hydrographic survey

  20. 海道测量部将继续大规模重新测量港口各水域,并出版双语海图和航海刊物,供公开发售。

    Major re-surveys of the port areas continue and bilingual nautical charts and publications are published for sale to the public .

  21. 海图深度基准面是海道测量,海洋工程勘察、设计和施工的重要基础数据之一。

    Chart datum is one of the important basic data of hydrography , investigation , design and construction of harbor , channel and other ocean engineerings .

  22. 在海道测量中,一般采用当地深度基准面作为一定海区内深度的参考基准面,我国使用的是理论深度基准面。

    Generally , local depth datum is used as reference datum in a sea area for hydrographic surveys . The ordinance datum is lowest normal low water in China .

  23. 随着现代航海导航定位技术和地理信息技术的迅速发展,电子海图数据的应用需求口益增加,对海道测量数据的标准提出了更高的要求。

    With the rapid development of geographical information science and technology , to satisfy the growing demands of electronic nautical charts , the higher requirements of hydrographic data standards was put forward .

  24. 国际海道测量组织、国际海事组织以及国际电工委员会等多个国际相关组织积极参与了标准的拟定工作,最后实现了电子海图数据传输和符号显示的国际标准化。

    Many international organizations like iho , IMO and IEEE have participated in the constitution of ECDIS standards , finally , they managed to accomplish the international standards of data transfer and symbol display of electronic chart .

  25. 根据误差理论,三种精度评估的方法分别从系统稳定性、自符合性和系统误差方面确定各误差源的综合误差,它们是检验多波束测深系统精度是否符合海道测量标准的有效方法。

    According to the error theory , the three methods identify integrated error of error sources from the viewpoint of system stability , self-coincidence and system error , respectively , and they are effective methods to test whether this system accords with the standards of channel measuring .