
  • 网络Dolphin Bay;the Cove;Dolphin Cove;Puerto Galera
  1. 在做导演之前,皮斯霍斯曾长期担任《国家地理》的摄影师,他在《海豚湾》里讲述了一个惊人的故事,或者说两个相关联的真实故事。

    A longtime National Geographic photographer turned filmmaker , Psihoyos tells an amazing true story in The Cove , or perhaps two interconnected true stories .

  2. 路易·西霍尤斯(LouiePsihoyos)的奥斯卡获奖影片《海豚湾》(TheCove,2009)是关于日本捕杀海豚问题的,该片上映后,海豚与鼠海豚的捕杀量在一年内降低了1.7万头。

    After the release of Louie Psihoyos 's Oscar winner , " The Cove " ( 2009 ) , about the slaughter of dolphins in Japan , the number of dolphins and porpoises killed there fell by 17000 a year .

  3. 这儿也有很多很棒的旅游景点,像图巴塔哈礁,马荣火山,梯田,海豚湾,鲸鲨,巧克力山等等。

    There are many wonderful tourist attractions including the Tubbataha Reef , Mayon Volcano , Banaue Rice Terraces , Puerto Galera , Donsol , the Chocolate Hills and many more .

  4. 2009年奥斯卡获奖纪录片《海豚湾》致使太地町的捕猎活动臭名昭著。纪录片中展示了渔民们的捕猎活动,他们在一个小海湾里围捕海豚,要么把它们抓起来送进水族馆,要么就杀掉吃肉。

    The town and the hunt was made notorious by the 2009 Oscar-winning documentary " The Cove , " which shows fishermen herding dolphins into a cove either to be captured for aquariums or killed for meat .

  5. 志愿者们和一些渔船阻止了200到300头海豚在马尼拉湾海滨搁浅。

    Volunteers and fishing boats stopped the200 to300 dolphins from beaching themselves on the shores of Manila Bay .