
  • 网络sammo hung;Sammo Hung Kam-Bo;Sammo Hung Kam Bo
  1. 同时代的演员洪金宝和元彪也是其中成员。

    Fellow actors Sammo Hung and Yuan Biao were also members .

  2. 自此之后他便与其他师兄弟组成了“七小福”。同时代的演员洪金宝和元彪也是其中成员。

    He later teamed with other opera students in a performance group called " The Seven Little Fortunes . " Fellow actors Sammo Hung and Yuan Biao were also members .

  3. 洪金宝也说过你很厉害。

    Hong Jin Bao also praised her highly .

  4. 伴随着许冠杰和他的莲花乐队创作的放克爵士乐,电影用一连串喧闹的插科打诨唤起了人们的集体意识,从小鸡健美操到面粉和香肠乱飞的打斗场面(洪金宝设计、灵感源自李小龙)。

    Together with the funky soundtrack by Sam and his band , The Lotus , the movie also tapped into our collective consciousness with a range of riotousgags , from aerobics for chicken to a Sammo Hung-choreographed , Bruce Lee-inspired fight scene with flour and sausages .