
  • 网络rockville;ROCKWELL;Rockwell International
  1. 纽约洛克维尔中心区(RockvilleCentre)莫西医学中心(MercyMedicalCenter)首席行政长、传染病学专家亚伦&12539;格拉特(AaronGlatt)说:如果你能践行良好的个人卫生习惯,就没有问题。

    ' If you practice good hygiene , you 'll be fine , ' said Aaron Glatt , an infectious-disease specialist who is chief administrative officer at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre , N.Y.

  2. 现在克利福德是洛克维尔首都个人电脑用户协会的秘书。

    Today Clifford is secretary of the Capital PC User Group in Rockville .

  3. 后部钢材的洛克维尔C级硬度从15.5呈长波浪形减弱直到背部表面的11。

    Back hardness varied from ROCKWELL " C " 11.0 to15.5 in long undulations to back surface .

  4. 马里兰州洛克维尔市(Rockville)的数学教育顾问、NewtonsWindow.com网站(一家帮助父母和学生学数学的网站)创始人苏珊娜·萨顿(SuzanneSutton)称,父母陪在孩子身边一起钻研其实很有用。

    Struggling alongside your child can actually be helpful , says Suzanne Sutton , a Rockville , Md. , math consultant and founder of NewtonsWindow.com , a website to help parents and students with math .

  5. 在马里兰州洛克维尔市的菲茨杰拉德汽车商城,汽车维修工人身着灰色的工作服,绣在他们上衣口袋上的名字赫然可见。工人们正在给一列汽车进行维修。

    Mechanics wearing grey work suits with their names stitched onto their pockets make repairs on a row of cars .