
  • 网络polish president
  1. 他在与波兰总统安杰伊·杜达通话时作出上述表示。

    He made the remarks in a phone conversation with Polish President Andrzej Duda .

  2. 奥巴马总统将会晤波兰总统科莫罗斯基以及波兰总理图斯克。

    Obama will be meeting with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk .

  3. 我们视察加里宁格勒需要波兰总统允许吗?

    Would we ask Polish permission to visit Kaliningrad ?

  4. 1990年12月9日,团结创始人瓦文萨当选波兰总统。

    On Dec. 9 , 1990 , Solidarity founder Lech Walesa was elected president of Poland .

  5. 波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基4月10日坠机身亡,享年60岁

    Lech Kaczynski , president of Poland , died in an air crash on April 10th , aged 60

  6. 据俄罗斯媒体报道,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基及其他波兰高官乘坐的飞机于周六在俄罗斯西部坠毁,失事原因怀疑为驾驶员操作不当。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed his sadness Saturday over the plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski and others on board .

  7. 这架飞机为苏制图-154型客机,与前波兰总统卡钦斯基今年4月坠机身亡时所乘的是同一机型。

    The plane was a Soviet era Tu-154 , the same type as one that crashed in April and killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski .

  8. 波兰总统任命他的孪生兄弟为新总理,在首都华沙总统府举行的仪式上。

    The president of Poland appointed his identical twin brother as the new prime minister during a ceremony at the presidential palace in the capital Warsaw .

  9. 4月10日,搭载波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基的图-154飞机在俄罗斯的斯摩棱斯克机场附近坠毁,造成机上90多人死亡。

    April 10 : A Tupolev 154 plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashes near the Russian airport of Smolensk , killing more than 90 people on board .

  10. 关于将波兰总统卡钦斯基埋葬到克拉科夫瓦维尔主教教堂的决定引发了公众争议,据悉该地专门埋葬波兰的国王和英雄。

    A row has broken out over the decision to bury Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Wawel cathedral in Krakow-a place reserved for Poland 's kings and heroes .

  11. 教宗下午稍作休息后,将分别与波兰总统克瓦涅夫斯基与总理米勒晤谈。

    The Pope is to take a brief rest in the afternoon and he will then meet with Polish President Alexander kwasneiwski and Prime Minister Leszek Miller separately .

  12. 据官方消息,波兰总统及夫人乘坐的飞机在俄罗斯西部降落时坠毁,总统夫妇和其他130名机上人员全部遇难。

    MOSCOW - Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife died Saturday along with 130 others when their plane crashed while coming in for a landing in western Russia , officials said .

  13. 4月10日,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基与其他95人在俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克坠机身亡之后,选举日期提前。

    The election date was after Poland 's president , Lech Kaczynski , was killed along with 95 others in a plane crash on April 10th near the Russian town , Smolensk .

  14. 波兰的总统选举原定于今年秋季举行,该国众议院议长科莫罗斯基(BronislawKomorowski)是一位重要候选人。

    Bronislaw Komorowski , a key candidate in the presidential elections that would normally be scheduled in the autumn , is Poland 's current Sejm speaker .

  15. 是否使馆为蓄意攻击的目标仍有待证实,西科尔斯基补充说,这一事件已报告给波兰波兰总统卡钦斯基和总理图斯克。

    It has yet to be confirmed whether the embassy was deliberately targeted , Sikorski said , adding that the incident has been reported to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk .

  16. 人们担心,火山灰云可能使世界各国领导人星期天前往波兰参加卡钦斯基总统葬礼的行程受阻。

    There have been concerns that the ash cloud could prevent the arrival of world leaders to Sunday 's memorial .

  17. 波兰外交部确认总统卡钦斯基夫妇当时在飞机上。

    The Polish foreign ministry confirmed that Kaczynski and his wife were aboard the plane .

  18. 波兰第一位民选总统1990年的今天,波兰历史上第一位民选总统列赫·瓦文萨宣誓就职。

    Poland 's first popularly elected president 1990 - Lech Walesa took the oath of office as Poland 's first popularly elected president .

  19. 该飞机于周六在俄罗斯城市斯摩棱斯克附近坠毁,波兰外交部确认总统和夫人在飞机上。

    The Polish Foreign Ministry confirmed that the president and his wife were aboard the plane that crashed Saturday near the city of Smolensk .