
xiè lòu
  • leak;spill;divulge;let out;give away;ooze;transpire;make known
泄漏 [xiè lòu]
  • (1) [transpire;divulge]∶泄露机密、秘密

  • (2) [leak]∶液体或气体排出、漏掉

泄漏[xiè lòu]
  1. vt.泄漏我只把我的秘密告诉玛格丽特,因为我知道她不会泄漏。

    divulge I told my secret only to Margaret because I knew she would not divulge it .

  2. 我不能泄漏我在哪打了谁。

    Whom I shot and where , I cannot divulge .

  3. 许多海鸟死于这次石油泄漏。

    Many seabirds died as a result of the oil spill .

  4. 泄漏究竟是怎么造成的,这一关键问题仍未得到答案。

    The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered .

  5. 这次石油泄漏对环境造成了难以估计的损害。

    The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment .

  6. 成千上万加仑的原油泄漏,流进了海洋。

    Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean .

  7. 他因泄漏消息给新闻界而受到谴责。

    He was censured for leaking information to the press .

  8. 最后查出泄漏是由于密封处破裂所致。

    The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal .

  9. 反核示威者认为,切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏事故清楚地表明他们的反核运动是正确的。

    Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign .

  10. 在切尔诺贝利核泄漏灾难发生以后,她开始投身政界。

    She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

  11. 氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。

    A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle .

  12. 这两个共谋者的表情泄漏了秘密。

    The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away .

  13. 一旦发现有泄漏,警报就会响起来。

    Any escape , once it 's detected , sets off the alarm

  14. 这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟灭绝。

    The spill could wipe out the Gulf 's turtle population

  15. 一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。

    A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river .

  16. 泄漏的煤油污染了水源。

    A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies

  17. 化学品泄漏已造成不可估量的损失。

    Chemical seepage has caused untold damage .

  18. 一艘超级油轮的石油泄漏形成的浮油膜已经影响了好几个海滩。

    An oil slick caused by a spill from a supertanker has hit several beaches .

  19. 泄漏的油从油轮里涌出。

    Leaking oil spewed from the tanker

  20. 1,000吨原油从一艘油轮中泄漏,流入了海洋。

    A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker .

  21. 为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断。

    Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds .

  22. 那次石油泄漏对海洋动物是一场灾难。

    The oil spill was a disaster for sea animals .

  23. 由于设计方案意外泄漏,该公司失去了优势。

    The company lost its advantages due to an accidental leak of its designs .

  24. 他没有意识到他已经失口把新计划泄漏给了他的对手。

    He doesn 't realize that he has babbled about the new plan to his rival .

  25. 消息给泄漏了。

    The news has taken vent .

  26. 管道工堵住了煤气管道以制止泄漏。

    The plumbers blocked off the gas pipe to check escapes .

  27. 他因泄漏国家机密而被捕。

    He was arrested for having given away state secrets .

  28. 向他坦白的话决不会泄漏出去。

    Confessions made to him are never blabbed .

  29. 有人把这消息泄漏出去了。

    Someone had let the news out .

  30. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。

    Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation .