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  • cole flowers;canola flowers
  1. 如果你们看过《大兵小将》就会明白油菜花的意义。

    If you have seen Little Big Soldier , you will understand why canola flowers are so important in the movie .

  2. 暨桃花、油菜花、梨花、樱花四大花旦闪亮登场后,“花王”牡丹也开始来抢夺市民的眼球了。

    Peach blossoms , canola flowers , cherry blossoms , these four great flowers glisten with the break of dawn ," the king of flowers " the peony also begins to steal the gaze of the locals .

  3. 探讨了pH值、温度、氧化剂、还原剂、光照、金属离子和食品添加剂对油菜花色素稳定性的影响,同时对油菜花色素的提取工艺进行了初步研究。

    The effects of pH value , temperature , oxidizer , reducer , sunlight , metallic ions and food additives on the stability of the rape petal pigment were studied in this paper . At the same time the extraction technology of the pigment from rape petal were researched .

  4. 油菜花多糖的提取及纯化研究

    Study on Isolation and Purification of Polysaccharides from Flower of Rape

  5. 油菜花后光合面积变化及其与产量的关系

    The relationship between yield and photosynthetic area after flowering in rapeseed

  6. 油菜花上真菌种类及其对菌核菌拮抗作用的研究

    Investigation of fungi on rape flower and their antagonism to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

  7. 油菜花冷冻干燥工艺研究

    Study on Vacuum Freeze-drying Technology of Flower of Rape

  8. 油菜花色素的稳定性研究

    Study on the stability of rape petal pigment

  9. 菜田里开满了油菜花。

    The field is full of cole flower .

  10. 每年春天,都会有大量游客涌入江西婺源观赏油菜花。

    Every spring , massive crowds flood into Jiangxi 's Wuyuan for rapeseed flowers .

  11. 现在那里是否油菜花已经盛开了啊?

    Is the cole flower flourishing now ?

  12. 乡间的油菜花小径上,大车里有你,我,还有长颈鹿

    The country YouCaiHua path , carts have you , I , still have a giraffe

  13. 黄黄的油菜花总使我想起我在农村时的童年。

    Eg. yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside .

  14. 油菜花使田野变得黄灿灿。

    Rape flowers were yellowing the fields .

  15. 暮春的油菜花一片放肆,粉蝶轰轰其上。

    In late spring , the flowers of rape are blossoming wildly , alluring swarms of butterflies .

  16. 油菜花是一种为了能收获有销路的低廉的烹饪油而被更改基因的花卉。

    Canola is a genetically modified flower that the harvest of has become a popular inexpensive cooking oil .

  17. 乡村节事旅游活动品牌形象的实证研究&以罗平油菜花节为例

    An Empirical Study on Brand Image of Rural Festival Tourist Activities & A Case of Luoping Rape Bloom Festival

  18. 油菜花后角果和种子形成与充实过程研究

    On the formation of amorphous solids studies on the process of formation and development of rape pods and seeds

  19. 结果表明:油菜花黄色素水溶性较好,色素溶液对光、热比较稳定;

    The results showed that the pigment was water soluble , and it was stable against heat and light .

  20. 我热爱油菜花,还因为她浓烈纯净的色彩和热情如火的性格。

    I love cauliflower , but also because of her strong enthusiasm for the purity of color and fiery character .

  21. 油菜花地里人可真不少,人们三五成群,在花海里穿行。

    There are a lot of people , in threes and fives , walking up and down among the cole flower land .

  22. 那香味没有油菜花的闷人,那色彩比油菜花更纯,更亮丽。

    That smell is not rape of boring people , and that color is more pure than the rape and more beautiful .

  23. 这是中国唯一一片栖身都市中央的油菜花地,喧嚣与安静,只有一江之隔。

    This is China 's only rape flower field locating in the city center , where there is just a river isolating the uproar and tranquility .

  24. 春天,一层层的梯田里长满金黄色的油菜花,绿油油的麦苗,老远看上去,像一条条彩色的链子。

    Spring , one covered with layers of terraced fields where golden rape , green wheat seedling , far away look , like a chain of color .

  25. 今年春天,五百多亩(约合333333平方米)的油菜花将会在小镇上绽放,景色颇为壮观。

    This spring more than 500 mu ( 333333 square meters ) of rapeseed flowers will come into bloom across the village , making for breathtaking views .

  26. 赏花胜地:陕西汉中的油菜花早在2月底就已竞相绽放,而这一壮观的油菜花海将持续两个月的时间。

    Where to go : The cole flowers in Hanzhong , Shaanxi province , have been blossoming since late February and the magnificent sight will last for two months .

  27. 但是很多人不知道,每年春天,云南沙溪的油菜花同样生机盎然。同时,沙溪还有许多尚未被世人打扰的文化瑰宝。

    But Shaxi in Yunnan , which , many don 't realize , also comes to life with the flowers in spring , and offers a variety of untouched cultural gems .

  28. 我喜欢到江堤上去玩,我喜欢它到处郁郁葱葱、一片生机昂然的景象,我更喜欢江堤边盛开的油菜花。

    I like to play on the river bank , I like it everywhere , lush , a picture of a vigorous , I prefer river bank side of rape in full bloom .

  29. 婺源油菜花虽然今年三月的北方仍时不时飘来一场大雪,但是全国南方大部分地区天气明显转暖,已呈现出浓浓春意。

    Despite the occasional snowy days of the north in this March , most of the southern areas see the coming back of the warm weather , where have already taken on a picture of prime spring .

  30. 我们坐车一路观赏到一大片一大片盛开的油菜花,看到了一树又一树粉红色的桃花,我才知道我一样可以继续期盼那个“桃花美人”的传说。

    We drove all the way to a large viewing a large bloom of rape , saw another tree , a tree , peach pink , I know I can still continue to look forward to that ," Peach Blossom Beauty " legend .