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  1. 《河南日报》改扩版的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thinking of the Reform of Henan Daily

  2. 2005年1月1日,《河南日报》全新改版,扩版,增容。

    On January 1 , 2005 , Henan Daily changed and enlarged the newspaper with the brand-new edition correction .

  3. 如今,多媒体网络时代的迅猛发展也迫使传统报业走上新的改革之路。河南日报选择了走集团化的产业发展道路,报业集团化发展战略层面的理念开始被报业领导者所重视。

    Today , the era of multi-media network , he forced the rapid development of the traditional newspaper industry on a new path of reform .

  4. 《河南日报》关于黄河报道还具有报道原则的政治性、议程设置的不均衡、新闻框架的模式化、报道思维的官本位等几大特点。

    Reports of Yellow River by Henan Daily has characteristics of reporting political nature , unbalanced agenda-setting , modularity of news reports and so on .

  5. 2006年5月15日,河南日报报业集团和河南移动通信有限责任公司联合推出了《河南手机报》。

    May 15 , 2006 , the Henan Daily Newspaper Group and Henan Mobile Communication Co. , Ltd. jointly launched the " Henan Mobile Newspaper " .

  6. 《大河报》原名《大河文化报》,创刊于1995年8月1日,是由河南日报社主办的一份市民生活报。

    Dahe Newspaper whose original name is Dahe Culture Newspaper , was born in 1995 . It is a newspaper of citizen life , published by the newspaper office of Henan Daily .

  7. 本文主要运用文本分析的方法揭示《河南日报》视觉传播现状及问题,并运用现代视觉理念为党报视觉传播提出建设性的发展策略。

    This paper use the text analysis method to analyze HENAN DAILY current visual communication and problem , And proposed constructive visual communication of development strategies in a modern visual idea for the party newspaper .

  8. 河南日报周五在一则简短的微博中对南水北调中线工程通水这一事件进行了的报导:“作为一项民生工程,将继续贯彻节俭务实作风,通水庆祝活动也将尽量简化,各级领导将不参加仪式”

    The Henan Daily newspaper announced the line 's inauguration in a pithy microblog post on Friday . " Being a peoples ' engineering project , in keeping with a frugal and pragmatic working style , celebratory activities will be kept as simple aspossible , " it said . " No officials will take part in the ceremonies . "

  9. 据河南省的大河日报上周日报道,汝阳实验中学食堂地上的红线划分出了男女生两个区域。此外,该学校还通过食堂的监控巡查这3000多名学生,一旦发现坐错区域或其他违规行为,将会拍照批评。

    A red line on the ground of the Ruyang Experimental High School cafeteria demarcates two zones for male and female students , while assigned cafeteria monitors patrol the more than 3000 students and take photos of any infractions of mixed seating or other violations , Henan-based newspaper Dahe Daily reported Sunday .