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hé bó
  • Hebo;Yellow River God
河伯 [hé bó]
  • [River God] 古代神话传说中的黄河水神《庄子.秋水》: 河伯欣然自喜,以天下之美为尽在己。释文:河伯姓冯,名夷,一名冰夷,一名冯迟。因为渡河淹死,天帝封之为水神

  1. 黄河的河伯因此得意洋洋,自以为是天下最伟大的了。

    The River deity Hebo was therefore immensely proud and considered himself the greatest in the world .

  2. 河伯顺着黄河来到了北海,朝东一望,望不见海的尽头,再看看自己才觉得自己很渺小。

    Hero followed the Yellow River to the North Sea . Then he looked at himself and felt he could not see the bounds of the sea . Then he looked at himself and felt he was so tiny and insignificant .

  3. 景公说:“不求山神也罢,那么去求河伯吧!”

    Jing Gong said : " All right , we won 't beg the mountain deity . Then how about begging Hebo ( the river deity ) ? " " Your Majesty , it 's no use either , " replied Yan Zi .

  4. 河伯顺着黄河来到了北海。

    Hebo followed the Yellow River to the North Sea .

  5. 去祈求河伯又有什么用呢?”

    What is the use of praying to Hebo ? "

  6. 河伯兴高采烈地顺着水势向东游去,一直游到了大海。

    The delighted He Bo swims downstream eastward until he enters the sea .

  7. 如果河伯能够叫天下雨,那么雨早就下了。

    If Hebo could make it rain ; it would have rained long ago .

  8. 水是河伯的国土。

    Water is the territory of I-Iebo .

  9. 那人说:“别说一条黄河,就是几条黄河的水流进北海,也装不满它。”河伯固执地说:“我没见过北海,我不信。”

    He Bo said obstinately ," I don 't believe it , for I have never been to the North Sea . "

  10. 相传很久很久以前,黄河里有一位河神,人们叫他河伯。

    Tradition has it that many , many years ago , there lived on the Yellow River a river god known as He Bo .

  11. 随着人类意识的逐渐觉醒,河神的形象逐步向人靠拢,并最终完成人格化,代表形象为河伯;其功能侧重于自然生产生活,河神是人们祈求生命安全和生活安全的愿望体现。

    With the awakening of human consciousness , the images of the River God gradually move closer to the people , and ultimately complete his personification .

  12. 景公说:“不求山神也罢,那么去求河伯吧!

    Jing Gong said : " All right , we won 't beg the mountain deity . Then how about begging Hebo ( the river deity ) ? "

  13. 天不下雨,河里的水干了,就等于河伯的国土丧失了;

    When it hasn 't rained for a long time , the water in the river will dry up , which means that Hebo will lose his territory ;

  14. 楚人祭祀不在其境内的黄河之神河伯,与“祭不越望”的祭祀原则矛盾。

    The ceremony of people in Chu kingdom sacrificing Hebo , the god of Yellow River which is outside Chu kingdom was paradoxical with the principle of " sacrificing is not beyond border " .