
shàn tóu dà xué
  • Shantou University
  1. 汕头大学校园网ATM主干的实现

    Implementation of campus network backbone with ATM in Shantou University

  2. 方法选用健康清洁级Wistar大鼠40只,雄性,体重260~300g(由汕头大学医学院实验动物中心提供)。

    Methods 40 male Wistar rats weighing 260 ~ 300g were selected for experiment ( offered by the center of experimental animal of Shantou University Medical College ) .

  3. 结果①20例慢性乙肝患者样本中,7例淋巴细胞与精子样本均见HBV汕头大学医学院硕士学位论文DNA阳性带;

    Results 1 . The positive bands of HBV DNA were observed in both of lymphocyte and sperm samples from seven of twenty cases with chronic hepatitis B infection .

  4. 方法:收集汕头大学医学院第一附属医院2001年2月至2003年6月间分离的82株来自不同病人的产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌。

    The method were as follows : 82 nonrepetitive ( one per patient ) clinical isolates of ESBLs - producing klebsiella pneumoniae were collected from February 2001 to June 2003 in the first affiliated hospital , shantou university , medical college .

  5. 地点和对象:在汕头大学医学院清洁级实验动物饲养中心,30只雄性spraguedawley大鼠。

    SETTINGS and MATERIALS : VD model was established in 30 male Sprague Dawley ( SD ) rats in a cleanness grade selected from the Experimental Animal-feeding Centre of the Medical College of Shantou University by permanent ligation in common carotid artery on both sides .

  6. 汕头大学研究生学位论文引文分析与研究

    Analysis and research on quoted passages of master - degree dissertations

  7. 是次讲座由李嘉诚基金及汕头大学赞助。

    Sponsored by Li Ka Shing Foundation and the Shantou University .

  8. 论艺术实践活动对大学生心理素质的提升&以汕头大学学生艺术团出国交流演出为例

    Students ' Artistic Practice and Its Enhancement of Their Psychological Quality

  9. 汕头大学学生膳食营养调查与分析

    A nutrition survey of students ' diet in the campus

  10. 广东汕头大学高年级学生心理健康及压力调适研究

    A Study on Senior University Students ' Mental Stress and Coping Style

  11. 小剂量的雷帕霉素对造血系汕头大学医学院硕士研究生毕业论文统、肾功能影响不大;

    Low-dose rapamycin has little effect on Hematopoietic system and renal fuction .

  12. 汕头大学大气边界层风洞的设计和研制

    The design and manufacture of boundary layer wind tunnel of sando University

  13. 汕头大学医学院在此进行了有效的实践。

    The Medical College of Shantou University has practised effectively .

  14. 汕头大学精神卫生中心2002-2005年口服抗抑郁药应用分析

    Analysis of Antidepressants Used in Mental Health Center of Shantou University During 2002-2005

  15. 新学院、新动力&长江设计学院在汕头大学成立

    New Institute with Stronger Energy-the Founding of Changjiang Design Faculty in Shantou University

  16. 汕头大学校园环境噪声测量及评价

    Measurement and Assessment of the Environmental Noise in the campus of Shantou University

  17. 汕头大学大礼堂的音质评价

    The Acoustical Appraisal of Assembly Hall of Shantou University

  18. 新闻专业应用型人才培养模式研究及实践&基于汕头大学新闻传播本科教学的改革

    Research and Practice in Training Models of Application Orientated Talents in Journalism Major

  19. 学历1990年至1992年文秘课程,汕头大学。

    Education 1990-1992 Secretarial Course , Shantou University .

  20. 浅谈汕头大学图书馆赠书建设

    Talking about the Construction of the Donated Books in the Library of Shantou University

  21. 方法通过对近3年汕头大学医学院三家附属医院护理科研立项及论文撰写情况进行分析。

    Methods To analyze the situation of the scientific research in the 3 affiliated hospitals .

  22. 汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院学生作品选

    Work Selection from Teachers of Cheung Kong School of Art & Design of Shantou University

  23. 汕头大学学生通识教育的调查及分析大学生厌学现象的调查及分析&以2003年对兰州大学的调查为例

    Investigation of General Education of Shantou University Students Investigation and Analysis of College Students ' School-Weariness

  24. 汕头大学医学院学报

    Journal of Shantou University Medical College

  25. 如果我没有考上汕头大学,我就不用搬到汕头去了。

    If I hadn 't gone to Shantou University , I wouldn 't have move to Shantou .

  26. 中国古典园林建筑美学思想的运用&浅议汕头大学之园林艺术美

    Application of the Aesthetic Idea in Chinese Classical Garden Architecture & Based on architecture design of Shantou University

  27. 论高校图书馆地方性特色建设与资源共享&兼述汕头大学图书馆地方性特色建设

    The Region Construction and Resource Sharing of University Library & dissertating the region construction of Shantou University library

  28. 汕头大学开国内高校先河,成为国内第一家选派学生报道美国总统大选的大学。

    Shantou University is the first domestic university to send students abroad to report on the US Presidential Election .

  29. 学术批评的时序品格和理论成色&评《汕头大学学报》学术批评与争鸣栏目的学术论争

    Opportune and Theoretical : A Comment upon the " Academic Criticism and Contention " of Journal of Shantou University

  30. 汕头大学硕士研究生自我和谐状况及其与主观幸福感的相关

    The Survey of Shantou University on Post-graduate Students ' Self Consistency Congruence Status and Correlation between SCC and SWB