
  1. 汉大赋的兴盛局面难以为继,开始走向衰败。

    After Ban Gu , Great Han Ode began to decline .

  2. 《文选》汉大赋用字中的义符类化现象

    Analogy of Chinese Characters ' Semantic Marks in Han Fu

  3. 汉大赋矛盾性的结构,“欲讽反劝”的效果,遭到世人的批判;

    The contradictory structure of the Han Da Fu and the unimaginable result were criticized .

  4. 魏晋抒情小赋与汉大赋的文学价值比较

    The Literary Value Comparison between Lyrical Xiao FU in Wei-Jin Dynasty and Da Fu in Han Dynasty

  5. 第二部分从汉大赋中表现出来的宏阔的宇宙意识,分析其深层次的审美内涵。

    The second part analyzes the deep aesthetic connotation through the presentation of the consciousness for universe .

  6. 汉大赋的兴盛有种种原因:(1)文学的发展;

    The prosperity of the Great Fu has various reasons : ( 1 ) the development of literature ;

  7. 中国古代的文学自觉意识启蒙于屈原、宋玉,开端于汉大赋的创作。

    Chinese ancient literary consciousness enlightened QU yuan and SoNg Yu , and started from Han fu 's Creation .

  8. 汉大赋作品大多有特定的接受者&汉天子,从而具备了审美愉悦功能。

    Han Da Fu always has its unique readers & the emperor , it can provides aesthetic pleasure for them .

  9. 本文试图以汉大赋的代表作品班固的《两都赋》为出发点,考察汉大赋在体制、风格方面的特点。

    This article is to study the special features of fu of the Han Dynasty in the aspects of system and style .

  10. 然而,东汉后期,汉大赋所赖以生存的条件逐步消失,辞赋发生了转型,朝着抒情小赋的方向发展。

    But in the late of Eastern Han Dynasty , the conditions which big Fu in Han Dynasty depend on disappear gradually .

  11. 但如果从中国传统美学崇尚简约之美和不加雕饰的白贲美的视角探究汉大赋衰微之因,会发现其中蕴含着丰富的文化意义。

    But from the angle of Chinese traditional esthetics advocating simple and rustic , we can discover the rich cultural significance it contained .

  12. 本文主要从道德主题和审美主题两个方面,对汉大赋进行新论。

    This article is mainly from the moral subject and the esthetic subject , which carry on a new study of Han Fu .

  13. 汉大赋中的理性思考既表现为对儒家政治、道德的追求,又表现为讽谏意识的增强、讽谏内容的增多。

    The rational thinking in Han Fu reflects the aspiration for Confucian politics and morality as well as the expression of allegorical ideas .

  14. 汉初经济复苏和由此产生的社会侈靡风气,对汉大赋的出现起了催生的作用。

    The recovery of economy in early period of Han and the luxury general mood of society help a lot in the advent of Han Da Fu .

  15. 汉大赋是辞赋为了适应新的表现对象事物外观、发展新的表现力体物绘事而逐渐散文化的结果,也是辞赋适应新的文学审美观以铺陈为美的西汉文学审美观念的结果。

    Han " fu " results from its new expressive objects and then has a prose trend and conforms to new aesthetic concept & description at great length .

  16. 作为汉代文学的一种重要的文学样式,汉大赋以其宏大的构架、靡丽的文辞、豪迈的笔调著称。

    As one important literature style of the Han Dynasty literature , the Han Da Fu is famous for its great framework , sumptuous language and heroic writing style .

  17. 枚乘《七发》开创了汉大赋这一体式,是司马相如《天子游猎赋》的直接祖先。

    Mei Cheng creates the genre of Han Da Fu with his Qi Fa , which is the direct ancestor of Sima Xiangru 's Tian Zi You Lie Fu .

  18. 散文化的语言形式与体物的文学审美观&汉大赋体制形成过程中的文体意义形成了从秦、汉以来延续2000余年的大一统多元性文化。

    Stylistic Significance in Han Da Fu System Formation ; forming eventually a united , pluralistic culture that has been lasting over 2000 years since the Qing and Hang Dynasties .

  19. 汉大赋在结构体制、描写对象、表现手法、语言等方面有其独特的表现形式,显示出宏大绮丽的美学特点。

    Fu has the specific manifestation on structural system , descriptive object , expressive means , language in Han Dynasty , and show the immense and magnificent trait in aesthetics .

  20. 汉大赋中汉字的义符类化现象是文学表现与汉字发展彼此作用的结果。

    Analogy of Chinese Characters'semantic marks in Han Fu ( a special literary form in the Han dynasty ) is a result of action and reaction between literature and Chinese characters .

  21. 从辞赋内部表达能力发展需要、描写对象变化需要、西汉文学观念特殊形态的需要几个方面探索汉大赋体制的成因。

    This article from such aspects as need of " fu " internal expressive ability , different descriptive objects and Han literature 's special pattern , probes the cause of Han " fu " system .

  22. 纵横游说之辞与汉大赋的表达方式&汉大赋体制形成过程中文体扩张的途径人口达500万的大费城已扩展到纵横30英里。

    Forms of Expression in " Ci " and " Fu " : An Approach to Stylistic Development in the Process of the Han " Fu " System ; Greater Philadelphia with a population of 5 millions is already 30 miles across .

  23. 汉大赋是历史上最早出现的对天子礼的形象描述,而赋家对建构帝国宗教的态度,则表现出融宗教神氛于礼教现实的文学精神。

    Such works are the first vivid descriptions of the royal rites in history , and the composers'attitudes toward the construction of the religions in Han Dynasty demonstrate the literary spirit of the harmony between religious culture and the rigorous Li ( rites ) in reality .

  24. 汉大赋主要反映汉代主流意识,而汉代的抒情赋除反映汉代文人政治情结外,世俗生活、男女情感是其重要内容。

    Fu , as a major genre of literature in Han Dynasty , reflects mainly the mainstream ideology of that time , and lyrical Fu is an embodiment of the men of letters ' political aspirations , secular life , and love between men and women .