
  • 网络Never back down;Won't Back Down;Get some
  1. 这并不是简单的只是我们最崇高理想中一个永不退缩的信念。

    It 's not simply an unflinching belief in our highest ideals .

  2. 本周大范围上映的新片《永不退缩》排在第十位。

    The weekend 's other new wide release " Won 't Back Down " debuts at No. 10 .

  3. 关键是你一旦下定决心,就必须勇往直前,永不退缩,直到实现目标。

    Once you make up your minds , you must go forward and will never stop until realize your goals .

  4. 从现在开始,我不在乎什么样的困难,我们必须面对的信心,坚持到底,永不退缩。

    From now on , I do not care what kind of difficulties encountered , we must face with confidence , insisted in the end , and never flinched .

  5. 永不放弃永不退缩。

    Never give up , Never set back .

  6. 正是这种精神始终指引全体美国人民在时局艰难的时刻永不气馁,永不退缩,敢于经受任何考验,迎接任何挑战,因为我们知道美国的命运有待于我们每一个人为之努力。

    It is what has always led us , as a people , not to wilt or cower at a difficult moment , but to face down any trial and rise to any challenge , understanding that each of us has a hand in writing America 's destiny .